The Party

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♡Katniss POV♥

The week went fast soon the day of the party came i was just brushing my hair till i heard the doorbell a clear and calming chime.

"Open " i say

I check the door and evie came in.

Hey Katniss is Nico ready? She asks

Not yet you can watch if you want.

.Why thank you Katniss.

I go up and knock gently on annabeth's door.

Annabeth. I said it is very dangerous to call Annabeth Annie trust me i've learned through percy.

Yes.She answered

I need your help

She opended the door and grabbed me in.

Can you help me with this

Sure what is it

Before i left Haymitch gave me this riddle he said it was written a long time ago and centered on me

Well whats the riddle

A Huntress shall be betreyed

Shall be locked with solitary in a her own cave

Abandons everyone in her own time

10 shall help solve this problem called a crime

Okay we can talk about this after the party

Thank you Annabeth for helping

★Nico POV★

I go down prepared to wait for evie but then i see her watching a documentary about the brain and fears.

Hey. i said

Finally i came way earlier than expected. she says while giving me a short peck on the cheek.

Lets go.I say

♥Katniss POV♡

Everyone drives to the party it was wild

I just silently sat and drank my pomegrate shake

Katniss.I hear Hermione was coming to me


Why arent you having fun ?

I just dont feel like it

Come on just try at least .

Okay whatever you say.

I went to search for people to talk to

Annabeth-Busy  making out with percy by the pool

Piper-Also making out but with jason

Annie-Dancing with Finnick

Glimmer-Arguing with Cato

Clove-Sharpening knives

Evie-making out with nico privately and secretly (DON'T know how i know about this)

Hermione-Talking with Ron while drinking butterbeer

I go up despreatly and i was frozen in my tracks

SUMMER WAS MAKING OUT WITH PEETA! let me rephrase that


Tears started to form in my eyes and before i know it start to cry i run and drive home without anyone noticing

I lock myself in my room and made sure that not even the Alohomora spell would not open it.

Suddenly a door apeared i opened it and there it was the exact same forest that was outside of district 12 .

I could survive here i had a ton load of different bows and quivers of arrows in my personal armory and there was fresh air and water in the forest .

I changed out of my clothes and wore a Leather hunting jacket , Sweater with my flaming mockingjay on it , Dark black jeans and hunting boots.

Now i understanded the riddle haymitch gave me.Before i went hunting i slept comfortablely on my bed.

♡Hermione POV♡

I wonder where is katniss i checked the whole party and katniss was nowhere to be found.

Harry.I asked

Yes Mione. he said

Did you see katniss?

Wait i think my new Ominioculars recoarded it. Ron said

May i see

Here mione

I check it and slow it down a bit i get a clear view of katniss crying , sobbing and running towards the door like it was the cornucopia.

Merlin's Beard! i mutter

I run to the other girls and show them what happened .

We should help katniss. Glimmer says confidently.

I suggest lets go. Annabeth says

Leave the boys they mgiht not even notice . i say

We head for our cars and drove home

Guys some of you should go so the boys wont worry. Piper sends them off with notes for the ones who stayed that included Me,Annabeth,Piper,Hazel,Glimmer,Annie,Clove and Thalia

We head to her room and knock no response so I tried to open it with magic

I took out my wand and pointed it at the lock of the door.

Alohomora.I chant

Nothing Happened

Alohomora . I chant again

No use we have to wait later. Glimmer says

She cant stay in there forever cant she ? Hazel asks

She can stay in there she has a door leading to a forest and  And her own personal armory plus she is Spectacular Huntress. Clove says

Right theres a fire place by each room? I ask

Of course Hestia supplied them. Annabeth cryed out

We can get in by Floo powder i have Many stocks of it in my room come on lets try it out. i say

We tryed the floo powder and it went fine.

Guys she's in here . Thalia whispered pointing to a door that looked like it was pure fire

As we went in A Bronze arrow went flying and shot a deer.

Good meat for dinner. A muffled voice said it sounded like the person was finished crying

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