Broken Printers, Obvious Flirting and Surprising Moments

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Jimin POV:

"Jimin! The printer isn't working, go fix it!" An extremely annoying yet familiar voice demands.

"We have interns for that. Also I'm kinda busy finishing the pile of reports YOU assigned to me." I retort as a fill out some documents.

"Mr Park remember I am your boss and I can get you fired. So maybe you should get off your fine ass and fix the printer." Mr Min says in an overly excited tone. I look up and see the man I absolutely despise.

He's not wearing a full suit today, just a plain white shirt and his silver hair is hanging low on his head. He is smirking at me and I have to fight the urge to wipe that look off his face.

"Sorry Mr Min. I did not mean to cause any inconvenience to you." I say through clenched teeth. I begin to walk towards the printer but I quickly turn around to face him.

"Also sir this fine ass will never be yours so you should refrain from looking at it as I walk to the printer." I smile as I turn back around.


I finally arrive at the printer to find Jin and Namjoon flirting or what they like to call it "chatting".

"Hey guys." I say strolling towards them. They slightly move away from each other even though they weren't even that close.

"Oh hey Jimin. What are you doing here?" Namjoon asks.

"I came to fix the printer. Orders of Mr Grumpy upstairs." I say rolling my eyes.

"Don't we have interns for that?" Jin questions.

"That's what I said! But the all great and mighty Min Yoongi doesn't understand that." I say annoyed. I walk towards the printer and bend down to its level. I examine it to see if I can spot any damage.

"Well good luck with that. I'm gonna go back to work now." Namjoon states, bowing towards both Jin and I.

"Oh okay bye." Jin exclaims as Namjoon walks out the door. I continue to figure out the printer problem when I hear a sigh from behind me.

"You know you guys are so obvious right?" I say still focused on the printer.

"W-what I d-don't know w-what you're talking a-about?" Jin shyly stutters.

"Jin hyung, just ask him out already! You guys flirt all the time and he is obviously into you." I state, giving up on the printer for a little and turning to face Jin.

"We do not flirt! And he does not like me, well at least not that way." Jin says flustered.

"Jin hyung..." I say putting a hand on his shoulder.

"You just gotta be upfront and tell him how you feel. You can do it, I know you can." I say giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

"You're right. I know you're right but I'm just scared. I'll think about it okay." Jin says.

"Good!" I respond smiling.

"Jimin! I told you to fix the printer not flirt with your co-worker." That same irritating voice exclaims.

"Thanks Jimin but I better go. Mr Min." Jin says as he bows towards that devil and walks out of the room. My happy mood once again has been tarnished by the creature that is Min Yoongi.

"For your information I was not flirting with Mr Kim and I was trying to fix the printer." I explain.

"Even if you weren't flirting you still were talking to him and that's not what I asked you to do. As for you trying to fix the printer before, does not mean you are still doing it now." Mr Min retorts walking towards me. I roll my eyes at him then continue towards the printer. I search over it once again but still can't find a problem.

"Don't we have people that are paid to do this kind of thing?" I ask, looking back at Mr Min.

"Yes but they are busy." He bluntly states. I sigh and stare back at the printer.

"You know you could be nicer to your employees." I exclaim.

"You know you should be more respectful towards your elders." He retorts. I just glare back at him too annoyed to reply. I really don't want to say anything else to that bastard.

"Also Mr Park I am nice to my employees, just not to you." Mr Min states walking closer towards me and the printer.

"And why is that?" I question turning around to find him a lot closer then I would like.

"Because Mr Park, I like teasing you." Mr Min smirks as he brings his face closer. We stay there in complete silence. Our faces only inches apart. I want to move away but for some reason my body won't let me.

He leans even closer and I step back, accidentally pushing a button on the printer. It goes off and begins to print some papers, startling us away from each other.

"Ohh look the printer is working. Umm I better go now." I awkwardly state rushing out of the room.

I can not believe that just happened. What even just happened? Why was he so close? Why did I not push him away? Ughhh I really don't need this on a Monday morning!

Authors note:
2 chapters in a day!!! I just got way to excited and couldn't wait to post another one. Again sorry for any mistakes but I hope you enjoyed reading. That's all from me. Stay tuned for the next chapter. We may get to look at Mr Min's POV.

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