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The dream was still very fresh in my mind as I made my way through the corridors of my high school.

I looked around searching for that one angelic face....Shashaa.

Shashaa is the cheerleading captain. She has waist long blond hair which curls gently at the ends. Her blue eyes and hourglass figure had captured my heart the first time she poked her pen in my back asking me for my notes. Now after two consecutive years of doing her homework and letting her cheat from my answer sheet I have finally built up my courage. I am going to ask her on a date today.

My search was disturbed by Misha. Misha is a tomboy through and through. Complete opposite to Shashaa.... Oh Shashaa....

Misha jumped up and slapped the back of my head.

That hurts.

"What?" I asked rubbing the back of my head.

"You had this moony face and you were drooling." She said

“Was not" I replied slightly moving my hand around my lips to check for drool.

Misha noticed my Oh So sneaky attempt and raise her eyebrows and shakes her head. A few strands of her raven hair came out of her cap.

Now that I think about it I haven't seen her without her ugly cap. Misha has always reminded me of my little brother Josh, she wears baggy shirts which touches mid thigh and baggy jeans.

She is five four to my six feet. We first met in a quiz competition where she was my partner. We became friends instantly and she usually comes to my home to finish her homework or just to hangout.

And I've never been to her place I only know that her father owns a grocery shop and her mother is an alcoholic.

"So who were you looking for?" she asked distracting me from my thoughts.

I perked up instantly. She rolled her eyes. She can always read my thoughts.

“Don’t answer it I know now. Its Shashaa isn't it? When are you going to understand Jasper she is not interested in you, she is simply using you?" She repeated her old speech.

"It's not like that Misha. She is a good person and she is defiantly not mean as you always put it. She has problems in academics and she asks my help. If she didn't have any interest in me she would have asked someone else. She specially came to me for notes and homework." I told her beaming.

She frowned.  “Am I the only person who sees so much wrong in these sentences? First of all she never asks for your help, you do her homework and she cheats from you in exams. She doesn’t even recognize you unless she has work for you to do."

"You worry too much my little friend." I tapped her nose.

“I am your only friend."

"Now don't be possessive and for your information I am going to ask her out and then when she says yes and leave her bitchy friends and hang out with me, you can get to know her as the deep person I know she is."

Her face became unreadable " I just hope she don't step on your heart too hard."


Science was the only period where Shashaa's evil friends didn't accompany her. I know that she has a good heart and her goodness gets shadowed by the badness of the friends once she ditches them and start hanging out with Misha and I, Mish will start liking her.

Today our science teacher was absent and the substitute was actually sleeping on teacher's desk. I turned around and looked into Shashaa's eyes.

She raised her perfectly shaped eyebrow and asked "What?"

“Hey" I said. My hands were little sweaty and I was nervous.

"Hey" she said, little irritated.

“So I was thinking we have been friends for a while now and... I really like you... and.... Willyougoonadatewithme?" I said and realized that I've said that really loud. Every student in the class has their attention on me and their mouths were hanging open.

A shrill of laugh turned my attention to Shashaa she was laughing like...well... a hyena....

She banged her hand on the desk.

"You are my friend. Oh my gosh and you want to take me out." she wiped her tears. "Listen loser I don't go out with uncoordinated geeks and you and I are not friends, not today, not ever. You are just my homework guy and nothing else."

Homework guy!!!

She leaned back in her desk " Wow for a geek you sure have high hopes."

I turned back, my face red and every student in the room snickering at me.

Well that teaches me, Shashaa is a mean girl after all.

My heart breaks inside and I put up my expression to an unreadable one and pray for the class to get over.

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