Chapter 7

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School was opened again and I was happy to head back. I checked my clock again and made sure I didnt oversleep.
My phone vibrated from the messages inside the group chat including Rena and Amauri.
I smiled softly and stood up from my bed. I threw on any clean clothes I found and quickly brushed my teeth. Something about today felt like it was going to be a good day.
I left my room and hugged Jessica goodbye.
I took a step out into the city once again and took my old route once again to meet up with Rena.
"Heya!" She waved at me.
"Hi." I gave her a hug.
She grasped my hand as we walked. "So what did happen the other day?" Rena asked.
"You already know what happened."
She scoffed playfully, "I have a right to know friend."
"Did you just friend-zone me?" I retorted.
Rena giggled.

We sat down for class but this time she went straight to her seat. She usually sat on my desk before going to hers.
Amauri soon entered and came straight to me after greeting Rena.
"I think she's still mad at me." She said.
"I would guess so. Have you guys talked about it?" I asked oblivious to the already known answer.
"Not completely but yes. I think I should do that now."
She left my side and went to Rena. They stared at each other for a good minute before their interaction began. I sat in silence.
For a good while before class started they were just talking and talking. Amauri glanced over at me every other minute which left me feeling uneasy.
I had nothing to else to think about but what they were saying.
I gave up and put my head down until the teacher came inside the room.

At lunch I sat alone. I had a burger which wasn't delicious but wasn't completely terrible either. As a matter of fact, it was the only good thing I had today.
"Heya bud, Gary from english." Gary plopped down in the chair next to me.
"I know. You're the one to usually answer all the questions before anyone else." I said.
"Listen pal, I'm not actually a book worm. I'm just trying to get through my years." Gary explained. "I'm not even that smart but I pay attention. That's not the point anyway. I came to make friends seeing as we both are practically alone. That's a lie. I want your help."
I was genuinely confused by his request.
"Can you form a direct thought?" I asked.
"There's this girl I like and you seem to already have one so I'm sure you know about how to get a girlfriend." Gary said.
"To be completely honest, we met at a park on accident and went to the same school and class." I explained. "I don't have any game nor do I intend on developing any. I look like a feminine male."
Gary chuckled, "Yeah well I always see you with those two girls. So you just attract them naturally."
I let out a soft snort, "You got that right."
I took a couple of fries and ate them. Gary was thinking to himself for a little bit.
"Have you ever been bullied?" Gary said out of the blue.
"No. I never made many friends so no one really bothered me." I lied.
"Oh nice, i'm always bullied for just being me. Well not always but I am." Gary explained.
I didn't know what to say, and I couldn't just leave him alone.
I looked around, "Who is it?"
"This girl named 'Lena'. She's pretty much everything i'm not." Gary said scratching his head in disappointment.

I went back to class with Gary and Rena seemed surprised.
"Oh my god you made a friend?" Rena laughed.
"Least I can make friends." I said.
"Oh. Low blow there bud." She wrapped her arms around me.
"Well if you didn't already realize, this is my girlfriend." I introduced her.
"Rena right? Name's Gary." He bowed his head slightly.
Rena waved.
I felt a little bit of awkwardness as they spoke.
Do they know each other? I thought.
I looked at the time and saw I was running out of it.

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