The Duel

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But it was thou, a man mine equal, my guide, and mine acquaintance
-- Psalm 55

"So, do you want to work on that Potions research today?" Harry asked as he arrived at the study room one Saturday afternoon. He and the Slytherin had quickly fallen into a routine, working together on specific days, and alone on their own individual subjects on others. It had been only a few weeks, but Harry already felt as if he was grasping some subjects more easily.

Draco was weaving his wand through his fingers; he turned his head as Harry stepped into the room. "No. I was thinking of a little DADA practice. All those hexes and counter-curses and other tactics we've been learning. You up for a duel?" A trace of the familiar smirk ghosted across his lips. "Purely friendly, of course. Just for practice."

"Here?" Harry looked around the room dubiously.

"No, you twit," Draco responded with some exasperation. "Do you want to incite the wrath of the Library Overlord? Rules may be made to be broken, but even I'm not that crazy."

"Madam Pince can't be an Overlord. She's female," Harry couldn't resist pointing out.

"Stop smirking. Yes you are, I can hear it. And you know what I meant. Now, are we practicing or not?"


"Where do you think? Outside."

"Malfoy-" Harry hesitated. "Won't it be kind of unfair? I mean, I can see you, but-"

"Potter, I'm blind, not useless. My other senses work just fine, I've learned the same curses as you - at least, I'm assuming I have, given that we don't share the class - and I can still point my wand at nearly anything I want to hit. Besides, now would be a good time to learn just how well I can defend myself, and not when some seven-foot purple minion of evil suddenly decides to threaten me, don't you think?"

Harry bit his lip. "I'm sorry. You're right." He still felt odd about this, but Draco had a point. Besides, he did want to practice his dueling skills. "Sure -- let's go."

"Great." Draco got to his feet. "Tendo - Entrance Hall."

Harry fell into step beside him as they walked down to the castle's main doors. Although he'd seen Draco come and go during their shared lessons, and watched him from a distance in the Great Hall, this was the first time he'd seen the Leader in action up close. He was impressed by how well it seemed to work, and stifled an urge to 'help'. Even during their lessons and study sessions he could tell how fiercely Draco stood on his own; it reminded Harry strangely of himself - he'd certainly faced enough challenges on his own as well.

But he also knew how lonely a place it was to be.

They reached the main doors, and paused. "Where do you want to practice?" Harry asked, scanning the grounds. "The Pitch would be good, but there's also the flat area down by the lake, and the clearing near the Forbidden Forest and Hagrid's cabin.

"The lake," Draco answered quickly. "I'm not in the mood to get anywhere near those Dugbogs again until I have to." Harry wholeheartedly agreed. Their study of Fwoopers over, Hagrid had introduced them to the marsh beast the other day; several students had only narrowly avoided being bitten.

As they walked out toward the lake, Harry couldn't resist turning to his companion and asking, "Seven-foot purple minions of evil?"

Draco chuckled. "Well - you never know. They could be out there. And then who will have the last laugh?"

"Oh, you will, clearly."

"Damn right, Potter. I always do."


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