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"And once again the infamous vigilante of St. Louis has shown himself! Today, this vigilante thwarted a bank robbery. Before he showed up, the robbers had a group of citizens as hostages.

"We are not sure how this man got inside the building, but he walked out and threw down all five robbers in front of the law enforcement, showing off his incredible strength. Then, using the iconic web shooter from also infamous Marvel character Spider-Man, he left." The newswoman reports. "Some call him a mutant, while others call him hero. But, considering his powers seem to change each time he shows up, the public has given him a name.

"Most of his powers have been identified from popular videogames like Saints Row Four... The Witcher Three? And also some game known as Skyrim. Other than that, he has been seen wearing a costume similar to another videogame character known as Aiden Pierce, who comes from the game Watchdogs. Not only that, he wears a mask from a game called Disowned... I'm sorry, Dishonored.

"We aren't too sure where this man appeared from, but we can thank this person for his extraordinary powers and his will to help others. We are lucky he isn't like Marvel's Green Goblin or DC's Brainiac." The newswoman weakly laughs. "That's all we have today to report on the new vigilante. Stay tuned for more info in the future! Jessica Kadell, moving back to the main newsroom." She finishes, the screen turning back toward the main news.

I sigh and look up at the top of my shelf, the mask of Corvo Attano staring back at me. I didn't exactly know where my powers would lead me after I got them. I kinda just let it happen. I can't complain though, considering I can do things many cannot. Either way, I guess I can count myself as a noob when it comes to being a hero, even though I'm already pretty good.

It all started on a normal school day, where I had just been sort of breezing through school.


I tap my finger against my desk, most likely irritating the other students around me. Biology, my last class of the day, is finished. Now we have to play the waiting game with the bell.

As I'm tapping my finger, a pencil appears out of nowhere and strikes my tapping hand, startling me. "Nick, you are starting to tick me off. Actually, you've already ticked me off." She angrily whispers.

"Give me a break. It's not like I'm physically assaulting someone with a pencil, Maddy." I angrily whisper back.

She rolls her eyes and faces the front of the class again. "Look Nick, we all want to go home, but if you keep tapping, you are going to be driving the two of us with one less finger."

I give her a look that says 'you wouldn't dare' and she responds with an evil grin. Almost on cue, the bell rings and everyone grabs their backpacks, pushing against each other at the doorway. Because I know it's pandemonium, I wait while Maddy also attempts to fight her way outside the class.

"It's a hell of a riot, isn't it Nick?" Ms. Pad asks and I nod.

"I don't get how important exiting a classroom can be." I sigh, looking toward the clear door. "Alright, see you Ms. Pad."

I exit the room and pass by a group of students huddled in the middle of the hallway. Seriously, do they not understand that they could move to an area where there aren't people trying to leave? Either way, it was just like a normal school day.

I pull my phone out of my jean pockets and scroll through my music. Finding my preferred playlist, which consisted of heavier rock, I plug my earbuds in my ears. Disturbed almost blows my ears off and I turn the music down and grumble to myself.

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