It all Begins

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I sit in my room with my eyes closed. Apparently if I focus, I can double my magical power for about an hour.

I finally open my eyes and a screen appears before me, telling me I had doubled my magic power. So it was successful! I grin as I stand up, getting ready to go to school. The symbol on my hand glows and I blink downstairs, finding myself against the door.

I push myself backwards and I open the door, hoping my cousin didn't see me. I jump into my truck and I start my journey toward school.

As I'm driving down the road, I see a couple of shady dudes pulled over on the side of the road. They had the same vehicle and they seemed to surround another vehicle with theirs. I pull over away from them and I exit my vehicle, my hand becoming numb.

Dark Vision activates and I look at them from a distance. There was a man holding another person with a gun in the vehicle between the two other vehicles. I slow down time and I use my Archeage inventory to quickly throw on the clothing I had created yesterday.

Time speeds up again and I walk toward them. One of them notices me, but he quickly loses sight of me. Finding myself behind him, I slam his head on the vehicle. His other friend notices and I blink behind him, doing the same. The man in the vehicle points his weapon at me and fires, a feminine scream sounding from inside the vehicle.

I slow down time and I look at the bullets in the air, just inches away from my chest. I step around it and I quickly enter the vehicle, pulling the weapon from his hands. Time speeds up again and he attempts to pull the trigger of an invisible gun. "Try again later." I growl, slamming his head into the storage in front of him.

"Wh-What?" The woman says in the backseat. I drop the gun and I look at her, a look of fear covering her face.

"I'm not going to hurt you. In fact, I saw what was happening. How did you get into this situation?" I ask her. She looked familiar.

"I...I was waiting for a colleague come and get me. As I was waiting outside, someone grabbed me and I found myself here. The man pointing his gun at me. So many cars passed by, the tinted windows giving them cover. How did you know I was in here?" She asks me.

"Well, let's say I have some abilities. Come on, let's get you out of here." I say, unlocking her doors. She jumps out of the vehicle and I also climb out. "Did they hurt you in any way?" I ask her.

"No... They were just asking for money. I can't thank you enough for helping me, sir?" She says, looking up and down at me. I'm guessing she couldn't really tell my age with the mask and whole outfit. "My name is Jessica Kadell. I'm a news reporter for the St. Louis newsroom." She explains and I nod.

"I thought you looked familiar." I say, the woman making a questioning face. "Well, its good you're alright. Do you have any way to get out of here?" I ask her.

"Yep. I can call the police and get these three idiots locked up. Hopefully I can get a ride out of here too." She sighs.

"I'll be close by. We don't want these guys to to wake up while you're waiting, now do we?" I reply, Jessica shaking her head.

I lean against one of the cars as Jessica calls the police. She hangs up and sighs. "They should be around here in about twenty minutes. So tell me, are you a vigilante or..?" She asks me and I shake my head.

"I wouldn't say that. In fact, this is the first time I've helped someone since gaining this ability." I say, looking down at my gloved hands.

"What kind of abilities? I mean, you seemed to teleport inside the car!" She exclaims.

I blink behind her and she looks around in shock. I tap her shoulder and she yelps, spinning around to look at me. "It's not teleportation. I just move fast enough that I seem to teleport." I respond. "As for appearing in the car, I stopped time."

"Oh my goodness... You are really a superhuman." She says, looking at me. "But I've seen this look before and that mask."

"They come from famous video games. The mask comes from a game known as Dishonored and the clothes come from Watchdogs." I explain to her as she nods.

"But it looks so authentic! Do you have a name?" She asks me.

I wait a moment and shake my head. "No. I don't have a name. Didn't think I'd have to think about one." I respond, Jessica laughing.

"Well, I think the man who saved me deserves a name." She says, but I shake my head.

"I'd rather not gain publicity, but if you insist." I say to her.

"Would you mind if I told people about you?" She asks and I look up in the air.

"If it makes your day, then go for it.  But I should get going. I might be a superhuman, but I have a normal life as well." I respond, Jessica nodding.

"Will you make anymore appearances?" She asks me and I shrug.

"Maybe in the future. Stay safe, Ms. Kadell." I say, time slowing down. I walk away from her and I take off the clothing hiding my identity through my inventory. I reach my car and time speeds up again as I reach the wheel.

Police cars rush by and I watch from the side of the road. They stop next to the three cars and Jessica immediately rushes to them, seeming to explain what happened.

I start my truck and look at the time. I had a couple of minutes, but I'm going to be late. I sigh, but I continue on my way.

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