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The wind blew through the trees rushing past their branches with the terrible sound of wailing spirits. It smelled wet almost as if you were swimming above the ground. The gray sky mirrors the gray countenance of the people that lived underneath it's misty clouds. There were people everywhere and nowhere at the same time. They all wore the same dull expression on their faces similar to that of a light that had just gone out. They were all just going through the motions day in and day out unaware of the world around them just waiting until their time in this purgatory was over.

Rain started pour down from the sky. It fell onto the ghost like faces of those below without them even giving a glance up. It pattered on the window lanes like a slow and steady drum roll. Slowly but surely little lakes of rain water started to form only reflecting the overall gloomy that enveloped the surrounding area. It only reminded them that their drop was just another drop among millions, so insignificant it just disappeared it just disappeared after its long fall. Each passing drop was a life gone and wasted.

It just seems such a shame to waste life when there is so much to live for in the long fall down.

A drop in the bucketWhere stories live. Discover now