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A/N: OMG GUYS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS MANY VIEWS! 425 may not be a lot to the people who can actually write a good story, but this means a lot to me! Thanks ok now here's the next chapter!

All my parents could do was stare at me in shock. "You...." My dad got up and looked down at the floor. He seemed angry and disappointed. My mom just sat there, fearful of what my father might do next. "You're a gay bastard! Get out of my house!" He walked closer and rose his hand. I braced myself to be hit, but I heard a familiar poof of a clone appearing. Naruto's clone appeared and held back his hand. I was still in shock, so Naruto had to drag me out the door. Before we got out of the door, the clone popped. My dad chased after us, and my mom followed trying to stop my dad. Why did this have to happen to me. Why are my parents like this. Maybe because I'm the next head of the family? Maybe because I was born to be doomed? Naruto suddenly stopped, me running into his back. He quickly unlocked the door we were stationed at. "Pack your stuff. We are leaving now. I have a feeling it's not safe here in Konah." Naruto stared at me with a serious face, but I did as he said. I packed any necessity I'd need. When we finished packing Naruto wrote a quick letter and told me to call a messenger bird. I whistled and soon after the large bird came to rest on my arm. He took the letter and his mouth and flew it to the hokage's tower. We left out the door. "Where are we going?!" I was baffled. This was all sudden. I got a quick, blunt answer. "Suna. Gaara will understand." We left out the gate and began our journey to the sand village.

-lazy time skip-

We somehow made the 3-day journey in 2 days. We immediately ran to the kazekage's tower. Naruto didn't even bother to knock when he ran into the office. "Gaara! We're in trouble. Can we stay here in Suna?!" He just gave Naruto a blank stare. "There's an empty house westward of this house. Ask kankuro for details." We bowed and went into the hallway only to find who we were looking for. Naruto spoke. "Take us to the empty house west from here." The puppet master simply nodded and led us to the small 2-bedroom 1-bathroom house. He looked at us and asked, "How long are you two staying?" Naruto looked at me then back at Kankuro. "4-8 years." I widened my eyes in shock. Why did we need to run for that long? In fact, why did we even have to run away in the first place? Kankuro nodded then disappeared. We walked in and chose our room. Once we got settled in I asked, "Why did we have to leave the village." He looked at me and smiled. "To keep our family safe." What did he mean by that? Does he want to... raise a family with me? I smile and sit on his lap. I kiss him deeply. "I hope one day we'll have a family."

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