Wait Really?

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Meet (Y/N) (Y/L/N) newest cast member of the game shakers crew. Good luck (Y/N) I hope you'll be excited when you realized you got the part.

"(Y/N), Sweetie, come down here. I've got news!" Yelled your mom. You had just woke up and decided to see what this was about. You got dressed and what not.

Soon enough, (after almost falling several times) you made it downstairs. You saw your mom had your phone.

"Wassup, mom?" You asked, curious. "You know how you auditioned for that one part in that show, well you got the part! Also this is the Group chat with your fellow cast members." She had said giving you your phone. "Wait really?" You asked to which she nodded and you ran upstairs to text your new crew members. "You start in two days!" She yelled. "K!" You yelled back.

~* Sorry this chapter was pretty short but look forward to longer chapters soon! *~

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