Chapter 18

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Taylor pov
I woke up around ten and I see Alex wasn't next to me so I get out of bed and look for him. I found him in the twins' room. I'm surprised that neither of them woke up in the middle of the night or they did but I was too tired to wake from a deep sleep. I walked in a woke Alex up.

"Alex get up. It's already ten am." I said as I shook him.
"I'm up. I'm up." He said.
"How were they last night?" I asked him.
"They were fine- I just had to get up a few times when they were crying." He said.
"Ok well I'll do baby duty tonight. Oh and I told you so." I said.
"Told me so about what?" He asked.
"Do you remember the time when I said you wouldn't be able to take care of a kid -or two in this case- and record videos." I proved to him.
"We are only in day two of parenthood the worst hasn't come yet. And I'll prove to you that I can do both without getting tired." He said.
"Ok I'll take your word for it THINKS: for now..." I said.
"Good. Now while they are still asleep let's go and eat." He said.

We then walked out of the room and went downstairs to eat. To be honest I'm a little worried to leave them alone like that, what if something goes wrong or anything. Downstairs surprisingly everyone is awake.

"Well good morning to the new parents!" Ashley excitedly said.
"Ok guys you can stop. It's not a big deal." I said.
"Are you kidding? It is a big deal!" Corl said.
"By the way where are the twins?" Denis asked.
"They are still sleeping." Alex informed them.
"I can go and watch over them while you guys eat!" Tabitha exclaimed as she was already halfway up the stairs.

Tabitha pov
As soon as I said that I ran up the stairs and into the twins' room. I picked one of them up and cradled her. A few minutes went by and Denis walked in, grabbed the other child and stood next to me.

"Tabitha, why do you like to take care of Taylor and Alex's children?" He asked me.
"Well first of all I love babies, they're so cute. Second of all I like to think as if they were our children, imagine that we could have our own family like Taylor and Alex do." I explained.
"One day Tabby, one day we will have children of our own." He kissed me on my forehead.

Taylor pov
I was three-fourths done with my cereal and I thought of bringing Sketch, Sub, and Fletch to come and see the babies.

"Alex I think we should bring Sub, Sketch, and Flebsy to come and see the twins." I said.
"That's a great idea! After we eat I can call one of them and see if they want to come." Alex said.

Alex pov
After eating I got in touch with sketch to see if he wants to meet the babies.

A: hey! Taylor wanted to know if you, Sub, and Flebsy want to come and see the twins?
S: sure. Lemme tell the others and we'll head over there.
A: ok. See you then.

Sketch pov
In these past I dunno nine, ten, months we've been more included with stuff with the gang. We still are in each other's videos and communicate with one another when we aren't recording but still not as much as we used to. When Sub, Flebsy, and I get to Taylor's house Corl invites is in.

"So where are the twins we were promised to see?" I ask.
"They're upstairs. Let me go and get them." Taylor said.

Taylor pov
When I go upstairs to get Denise and Alexis I see Tabitha and Denis rocking them in their arms. I walk up to them and try to take Denise and Alexis.

"Hey do you mind." Tabitha said.
"Um no Because these are my children and Sketch, Sub, And Flebsy want to see them." I said.
"Well why don't you let Denis and I take them to them." Tabitha argued.
"Fine." I simply said.

Sketch pov
When Taylor finally comes downstairs she doesn't have the twins.
"Where are they?" I ask.
"Tabitha and Denis have them. See?" She points to Denis and Tabitha.
"Why aren't you holding them?" I ask.
"They just won't hand them over." Taylor said.
"Which could make our job much easier." Alex said.
"Just wait. When the diapers get real messy they're gonna hand them over." Taylor said.
"By the way what are the babies names?" Flebsy asked.
"Who took the baby out of the left crib?" Alex asked Tabitha and Denis.
"I did." Denis said.
"Ok so Denis is holding Alexis and Tabitha is holding Denise." Alex said.
"So their birthdays are..." Sub said.
"March 10." Taylor informed them.
"*gasp*" Corl gasped.
"What now Corl?" Taylor said.
"That's eight days before the John Doe hacking stuff." He said.
"Really Corl? Even I know John Doe is not real." Alex said.
"Dude your so childish at some points." I said.
"Sorry, I guess acting like a kid in videos made an effect on me when I'm not recording." He said.
"And that's what I like about you." Ashley said.

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