•+*Chapter 1*+•

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Los Angeles
2:24 PM
Today is one of those days I'm supposed to be at school, but instead, I'm stuck in a car with an adult man (otherwise known as my older brother) , my younger sister, and my mom. My mom divorced my dad a couple of months after I was born. It was all the bills they were fighting about. Which is strange because nobody ever really fights about bills in my opinion. Or at least I've never heard or seen anyone fight about it. But anyways, my younger sister is jamming out to whatever music she's listening to on her Walkman. And my other brother is talking on the phone about this new video game that released. He's twenty years old now and he still loves the fucking video games these days. And what am I doing? Just simply staring off into space doing a re-cap on the ride. *cough cough* what I'm explaining right now *cough cough*
"Abby? Are you hungry?" Mom politely asks my little sister.
"Ugh, for the last time mom, no!" My little sister Abby says back.
"Todd, Jenna, what about you guys?" Mom asks us.
"No, thanks." I say
"Hold on dude." My older brother Todd says on the phone.
"Yeah, totally mom, what we got?" Todd says in that Oh-I'm-so-sick-but-that-one-roller skater-dude voice.
"Well, we have watermelon slices, chips, cereal.."
"Really.. CEREAL.!?" Todd snaps.
Mom took a sigh and just continued driving. I look back and I see all of our luggage from our I guess "old" home. We're moving to Los Angeles because that's where Mom thinks she will meet her dream boyfriend. Which is so fucking weird because there are many fish in the ocean that are nice. And not just in Los Angeles. I heard a bunch of hot guys go to San Diego, you know, the ones who are lifeguards at Imperial Beach. I don't know, maybe it's just Hollywood fiction.
"Mom, where's Molly and Jackie? Or, how far away are they?" Abby curiously wonders.
"Not that far, hun. They'll be at the house when we get there promise." Mom "promises".
I don't understand why we couldn't take a plane to our destination. It took us three days to get even here. She has enough money to get us all a plane ticket. It's weird. Ah, fuck it. It's already bad enough I left all my friends back at Toronto, Canada. How worse can it get? Mom gets our car towed? Yes, I already asked my mom to get me into an online or homeschool. She's having high doubts but fuck it. What bitches there are gonna bring me down? They fuck with me they're the ones that's gonna get fucked up. Watch how many times I get pulled out from all of this drama by the teacher and get that "Oh, we all need to be treated with kindness" talk from the principal. Bitch, this is the senior year at high school, kindergarten was a million years ago. Maybe not even kindergarten, maybe pre-Kay or whatever. I'm a strong woman. I'll debate if I'll have to. Hit me I'll hit you back. I'm all up for it. Again, I'm a strong woman. I'll be one, raise one, and teach one. I don't need to say "Cash me ousside, how bow dah" to be a strong woman. I can be one by showing whose boss and around here.
"We're here!" Mom cries.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2017 ⏰

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