Chapter 2

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Inside the shelter, there were lots of teenage mothers, pregnant or holding small children. She went up to the front desk and tapped slowly on the bell. An overweight, smiling elderly woman came out from the room behind the desk.

'Can I help you dear?'  she asks looking her up and down smacking her gum.

'Can I stay here? Not for long I promise.' she said hopefully.

The woman turned around and picked up a clipboard. She flipped through a couple of pages before turning around. She pointed with a pen to an empty spot which Cassy guessed was the layout of the beds. 'One vacancy. Owner didn't show. All yours!' she says after scribbling something down on the chart. 'Name?' she asks looking up from scribbling. 'Cassy. Cassy Prehnon.' she says smiling and trying not to look too excited. The lady points to the bed while thrusting a bag of food, blankets, and pillow over the country. She walks to the bed and puts her stuff down. She makes the bed and the smell of the sheets makes her want to vomit. The woman on the bed to her left, snickers and says 'You get used to it.' She puffs her cigarette once more before putting it out and standing up. 'I'm Samantha. You are?' she says smiling and showing her semi-rotten teeth. 'Cassy.' she says smiling and trying not to show disgust. 'Do you have children?' she asks Samantha. 'Yeah, she's around here somewhere. Her name's Kirby. If you see her, let me know will ya?' says Samantha lighting up once more. Cassy slightly nods and fluffs the mildewed pillow. 'So Cassy, got a name yet?' she says laying her head back and puffing the cigarette. 'Nah, I'm still thinking. I want it to be different. Something no one has heard before.' Cassy says smiling and laying down on the bed.

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