Chapter 2- Tyler Mason

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I was stuck in an old abandoned house, they were outside I could hear them. I don't think that they know I am here yet, but it is only a matter of limited time before they find found out and without doubt they would kill me. I would cease to exist; there would be no one to miss me when I'm gone. All I have left is a photo of my family. I miss them so much. It hurts to think that they are never coming back. But I try not to think about the fact that I'm alone but it is hard to ignore the feeling when I have no one to talk to, it driving me insane.

If there is anyone out there that is not some twisted creature then that would comfort me. I can't get used to the fact that I will be alone, for the rest of my days which at this rate won't be much longer. I try to joke about it, I say that at least I won't be one of 'them', but it is depressing to die alone at a VERY young age during the 'evolution' of the humans.

I walked out of the back door, now I'm running from them down the back streets of London, I haven't eaten in days , I'm starving. The dark skies look like they could break, but they don't and they haven't, not in a long, long time. I was surrounded in darkness I couldn't see them coming but I could hear them coming they were running slowly towards me I turned and ran I'm not sure where as far as my legs will take me I can't keep running forever they will catch me eventually. I turned round a corner. There was more of them; about ten. I turned round and saw a clear path ahead of me. I took the chance; if there were some of them there I was done for. That was final.

I turned another corner and ran into something... wait no someone. It's one of them. It started walking towards me, slowly at first then it picked up its pace. It went faster, quicker, nearer. I pushed hard against the door I was leaning on and boom, it fell down, billowing out a cloud of thick white dust blocking me from that awful creature for a few seconds. Enough time to run; and I did to the other side of the house, out of the back door and into someone's back garden.

It was quiet; I could hear my heart pounding. This was the first time in weeks that I have had time to reflect on these sudden happenings: the illness and the diseases. Everything, all in one go: all humans dying, or more often turning into zombies. All I want is a friend. A human friend is that too much to ask for?

I won't talk of the impossible. I won't dream of the impossible. This is the only thing left to do.

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