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Mae always hated school. She's hated it since she was eight. "Home sweet home," Mae whispered to herself, her teeth shuddering in the cold. "I can't wait to lay in my own bed," she exclaimed. The path to her house was 'Under maintenance', so she had to go through the paranormal woods. I guess the woods is way more fun than a stupid, old path. She swung herself on a strong tree branch and gained enough momentum to quickly hop up onto the one above. Them power lines are screaming at me, man. She carelessly jumped onto the power lines and walked carefully along. Eventually, she reached her home and climbed down the tree. I still got them skills. She walked into her house door and slumped onto the sofa, next to her dad. "Hey kitten, how was your day back in town?" He asked as he hugged me.
"It's been fine. Haven't really done anything, yet. I'm gonna go on the Internet," Mae said, yawning.
"Mae?!" Mae's mother shouted from the kitchen.
"Yeah, mum?" Mae dragged herself into the kitchen.
"Is there anything you want to talk about?" Mae's mother asked innocently "About school?"
"No, why?" Mae said but her speech was very hard to understand, for her mouth was full of spaghetti and meatballs.
Mae swallowed the last mouthful of her food and kissed her mum on the cheek. "G'night mum," her mother smiled. Mae walked into the living room and said "Night dad, I'll watch TV with you tomorrow. Too TIREEEEED," she screamed as she crawled up the stares. She heard her dad laugh under his breath. When she finally reached her bedroom, she texted her best friend, Gregory, on her laptop. Hey, hi, halooo. I'm dying of sleep deprivation. Sorry about my mental state lol. He texted back almost straight away. You go to bed. So I did. I didn't sleep for ages, I was thinking... How could I do that to someone? Why did I choose someone so close to someone that I was so close to? I'm sorry Bea, for killing your mum........Mae drifted off and headed into a nightmare.

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