All because of a Milkshake

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At first I had thought it was a normal milkshake but the trip it took me to proved me wrong.

I've narrated this story countless times but nobody had ever believed me, so now I have decided to write it, hoping that one day someone like you would stumble across my story and acknowledge it as true not false. So without further ado I present to you the unbelievable adventure I had all because of a milk shake.

It was a hot summer day and I was all alone on a road trip. I had no particular destination in mind; I believed that destiny would take me wherever it wanted me to go, but little did I know what it really had in plan for me.

After a long drive across the highway and to the outskirts I had decided that it was time to take a short break.

I stopped at a small gas station and decided to go inside the store to get something to refresh my self from the long tiring and meaningless drive. As soon as I stepped inside the store my I was greeted by a gust of cool air coming from the air conditioners around which helped my body relax.

I went over to the counter and asked for a chocolate milkshake with a swirl of ice cream on top.

The cashier nodded and handed me my milkshake. As I handed him the cash I could not but notice the smug smile he wore on his face; as if he knew something I didnt. I shrugged it off and made my way outside. I looked around for a bit until I spotted an empty table to sit on.

I quickly sat as my mouth was craving for the sweet and cool heavenly liquid which was held by me. I slowly placed my mouth on the white straw and started drinking the milkshake. As soon as the liquid touched my mouth I entered into a state of shock. The milkshake tasted as if it were made for the Gods.

The coco was well evident and was backed up by whip cream. Dark chocolate chunks balanced out the sweetness and the Ice cream gave it a whole new flavour. I was at the verge of tears. The more I drank, the more my lust for it increased.

Before I knew it the milkshake had been completed and all that was left were the semi melted ice.

I felt a surge of disappointment. With a groan I got up and threw the empty container in the trash. I was about to head back to my car but suddenly I got a weird feeling in my stomach. A loud growl was erupted by my stomach and soon I could feel churning and pressure. I took a deep breath and ran towards the restroom behind the store in the Gas station. I quickly grabbed the handle of the door and tried opening it but it wouldn't budge. I quickly ran inside the shop and to the counter.

"Excuse me mister, could please give me the keys to the mens room. I have an emergency!" I exclaimed.

The man just looked at me and gave me a sly smile.

"Did you think you consume such a powerful milkshake and not pay a price?" He laughed out. I glared at him because clearly this was not the right time for jokes. Suddenly he stopped laughing, and pointed at me.

"If you want the keys to the restroom than you must earn it!" He announced, " Complete the quest. Get yourself a sword and an armour then defeat the mighty dragon!"

I looked at him as if he were crazy but in a snap I was transported to another world. This world was completely made of pixels like in a video game and the surroundings looked quite medieval.

Behind me there was a huge castle made of bricks, but before I could figure out whats going on I heard a digitalised voice.

"Welcome Player!"

I whipped my head to the front and realized that the voice had been coming from a monk.

"Welcome Player!" he said again , " We have been awaiting you. My name is Jeremiah and I will be your guide."

I shot him a confused look but he just smiles.

"Your first task is to collect armor. Inside this castle lies a monstrous serpent who guards the 'Armour of Grail'. Escape the venomous creature and complete the first part of the quest."

I opened my mouth to proscribe the man but my stomach roared in disapproval.

I placed a hand on my stomach and quickly ran inside the castle.

The castle was dark but as soon as I entered all the torches lit up. Alongside that medieval music started playing. Right there in front stood the 'Armor of Grail'.

"This is too easy." I said to myself and brisk walk towards it. But before I could get any closer a huge reptilian tail smashes the ground in front of me. I looked up and saw a huge monstrous snake in front of me. It hissed loudly and black venom dripped down its fangs. I let out a battle cry and charged towards the snake, before it could react I ran towards a wall.

"Come on you big ninny! Catch me if you can!" I started making faces at it. The snake hissed again and zoomed towards me. I quickly run towards the armour while the snake crashes his head into the hard stone wall. Ouch that's gotta hurt. I hastily snatch the armour and run out of the castle.

As soon as I come outside loud cheers erupt, even though there was nobody to cheer. Jermiah approached me and and congratulated me.

"Next you must pull the stone from the stone. The sword on complies to those it finds worthy so good luck!" He vanished and was replaced by a stone and a sword in it. I squeaked and placed my hand on the hilt of the sword.

"Please work, please work please work." I pleaded and with a all the force I could gather I pulled the sword, and to my surprise the sword came out. A light fell upon me, there was a chorus of oo's and ah's. Before I could celebrate my victory my stomach grumbled again. I could only hold it for a little while longer.

As is on cue a large dragon landed from the sky in front of me.

"Slay the dragon and you shall get what you seek." I hear.

With a huff I ran towards the dragon and use the swords to stabbed his foot. The green dragon howled in pain and flapped its wings. It blew a string of fire from its mouth but luckily my armor was fireproof so I was not affected. Unlike me the dragon was enraged it flapped its great purple wings again, taking my chance I jumped and stabbed my sword into his wings, and then jumped higher and cut of his head as soon as I landed I felt calm and relaxed . Instantly I was teleported back to my world.

"Congratulations kid. You've earned the keys" The cashier held out the keys for me to take.

"Oh i dont think I need them anymore but thank you"

With that I waddled back to my car ignoring the disgusted look the cashier gave after looking at my stained pant.

I sit on the car seat and start the engine.

"Next stop." I say " Is a pants shop"



So how'd you guys like it???

Bet you didnt expect that last part, or maybe you did.

Anyways please vote and comment leaving your precious feed back it means alot to me.


All because of a MilkshakeWhere stories live. Discover now