"I am ally to good, nightmare to you." Axel Bloon

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If any of you get that reference, you are fucking amazing. If not, you still are. So RunedHearts here is your request. Forgive me if it took too long!

Name: The guy glanced around quickly before looking at you. "Axel Bloon is the name." (That, and his hero name is Cinderblock, since he makes it seem like nothing can stop him.)
Age: "19, and I still look handsome as hell," Axel joked as he let out a small laugh.
Gender: "Did you go blind all of a sudden?" He asked, his tone immediately turning into concern.
Sexuality: "Woah, that's classified right there buddy." (Pansexual)
Species: "Uh..." (Human with abilities, or superhero idfk)
Powers: "How about-" He was cut off by police sirens passing by. "Afraid I gotta go, later!" He said before he turned and broke into a run. (Ability of flight and strength enhancing power. With this ability, he can boost his strength to the point he can hold up a bridge. But this does not mean he can do it whenever he feels like it, for that it takes up his energy. With these two abilities, he has a healing power that will heal up his wounds, but the limit to it goes to limbs chopped off and being cut in half of course. Just like the strength booster, it takes up his energy.
Weapons: His main weapons are his fists.
Appearance/Looks: He has slicked back black hair that reaches the bottom of his neck with brown eyes. Stands at 5'11 and has a good build on muscle. When not busy being a superhero, he's usually wearing a black rimmed glasses (cause he needs them XD), a black hoodie with a red tshirt under it, following with black jeans and black Converse. (Cause why not?) When being a superhero: He wears a coat that goes down to his knees with red on the inside of it as there's black on the outside. He has on a half mask that covers his eyes and reveals the rest of his lower half face. Other than this, he has a tattoo on his left wrist that says 'Heroes Never Die'.
Likes: When a superhero: Saving the day, saving others and being helpful in general.
When not a superhero: His converse, getting a workout in the day, youtube and his 'normal' everyday job. And maybe or maybe not you.
Dislikes: When a superhero: He hates electricity. It's his legit weakness. When a baddie gets away, and when he can't save anyone.
When not a superhero: Feeling weak, being insulted, and homophobics.
Backstory: He was rather unlucky at the time when he was 17. Being an average teenager, he was exploring around an old warehouse when he came across a strange substance that was glowing a green-ish color. It had made him pass out, and the following hours after he woke up, he discovered his powers, which he had kept a secret from everyone else. Soon when he had mastered his abilities, he had successfully managed to stop a crime, and soon following the next one, eventually getting the name 'Cinderblock'.
Other: He works at a Café when there's currently no crime. His one weakness is electricity, since it will cut off his power for a certain amount of time, and can be lethal against him.

Scenario 1#: Make your own!
It's 3 AM, cut me some slack XD

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