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Today was a special day. The most important day of my life.
Today I'm going to officially become


First year of residency: first day!
All 5 of us are together and were soon going to meet the famous Raina Richardson or RR; her reputation precedes her; mostly known as Don of the OBG department; she owns her residents and likes to torture them as she pleases.
I knew this as I have completed my graduation in same college, but my colleagues are from different colleges and 1 of them from different state, they have no idea what they are up against

Any of you married? Asked Mahe, I am married and have a 8months old kid said Misha
Sara and Farha are engaged
What about you? Z? They were all looking at me, I didn't know if I should tell them the truth or not but I decided I should be honest as I'm going to be spending the next three years with them so I told them the truth
My Nikah was performed but Ruqsathi is due
Oh! They said
Then suddenly our senior Samreen called for our attention
Hello juniors o am Dr Samreen final year resident , welcome to our department
So who's doing duty tonight? She said looking at us expectantly
We all looked at each other confused
'But Mam it's our first day, we weren't prepared for doing night duty' said M
'Oh nonsense u r a OBG resident now
You ll never b prepared for anything
Just decide and tell me soon, here's my colleague Kiran she'll guide u and I ve to rush to the OT, see ya'

So here I am forced to duty on my very first day as junior with a very pissed off and irritated looking Senior;  and my colleagues have gone  to hostel to have the fun of first day. I didn't mind actually. I was very excited to start the new chapter in my life.

But soon I found out it's not fun and games, but serious business ,
First case is a delivery of a  baby breech first in a car outside the hospital as my senior was delivering the baby doing various manoeuvres
And I am panicking, thinking will the baby survive
Now my senior is so pissed off as our whole night has been busy now she's snoring like a pig and won't wake up
Then I got another case which I was not sure if it was ectopic or not
My senior asked me to go and get it confirmed by radiology resident in her sleep! Damn she is even giving me orders in sleep, guess she's not completely tired yet
I knock on CT room as I can see them sitting there 4 boys looks like partying or discussing something
I knocked before entering and they all turn to look at me. Oh Hell no! There's that guy I wish wasn't here
He was Ryan, most popular doc, also known as hot doc, he was in first year of oncology Surgical Residency and why was he doing here?
I guess he's posted in ER tonight
But I have history with him
I entered inside and asked for assistance in diagnosis if case with radiology resident.
The radio residents are arrogant pricks most of the time, they feel they are superior to everyone else and this was is the same as I expected. I could feel Ryan's gaze cut sharply in me staring blatantly but I ignore him and look at that senior radio who asks me ' who the hell are you? Intern,?' he's not in the mood to be disturbed
I ask him for help
he says' get it done in the morning'
Im so tired and pissed off feeling that prick here that I lose it and shout at him to come and have a look at the patient or I'll call med superintendent.
That jerk gets up from his ass and asks me to come to the scan room
I look at R , he looks amused?
I get back to scan room feeling like I'm followed
I don't care and go ahead
The male Radiology resident says that tonight there's no female radiologist available so I'll have to put the probe in patients Vag, so I do it not feeling any embarrassment
Scan rooms are usually dark to better visualize the screen
So I don't notice or try to ignore the presence I feel on my back as I put the probe inside patient for scan
But I'm not able to guide the probe properly to visualize the ectopic pregnancy when suddenly I feel a male hand catch my hand and guide it
Im so aware of him at my back! I can smell him, I feel kind of surrounded by him as he's bending behind me and helping me to see for ectopic pregnancy guiding my hand in patients vag too
He'll! This is awkward
My heartbeat is racing so fast, and I hear his voice in my ear to pay attention to the screen
I look at the screen and sure enough there's a small vascular ball in tube with a tiny heartbeat
'See here's free fluid too
It's a ruptured ectopic doctor
Take your patient to surgery immediately' he says and moves out of my space,
I turn around to thank him but he's already gone.
But my heart is still beating fast!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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