This is going to sound weird but I am galaxy I am 14 years old I get abused by my mum when she meets men she don't tell them about me when she comes in she locks me in my room for hours with no tea but when people start to know my mum they start to realize how abusive she can be
I have to stay at my Nan's my nan looks at the burses that's she's done I tell nan she's drunk when she hits me I have hard times at school as well I get bullied as well and that makes it worst everyday sometimes when school finishes I go to my Nan's I am scared what my mum would do she don't care about me anyway
She don't care if I am lost or kidnapped she don't care if I am home or not she says to me I was a mistake and she left me on a doorstep at Nan's and nan looked after me while mum was out in the world I wanted to meet my mum I fort she was amazing but till I hit 9 years old she started to hurt me
Then I was bullied at the age of 10 sometimes I call the police they come and my mum acts normal when they have gone she beats me to death and locks me in my room with no tea or drink I am in here with just a bed nothing else just my bed and a wardrobe but it s empty
Theres no clothes in it just bare nothing else just coat hangers no clothes on it I want new clothes I want a new mum people say u can't get a new mum u have the mum u have DO THEY REALIZE I AM GETTING ABUSED maybe I haven't told them yet i should but I am scared how they react
Chapter 1 complete
If ur wondering if this is true no it isn't its made up
Stay tuned for more of this story called abused xx