My autumn lust

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In honor of the last autumn leaf that falls From the tree.
I'm trying to decide whether to listen to my heart or my instincts.
The same heart that knows all the stories
And my instincts that tries to me from each ending.

To listen to my heart which is brave, but Never learns its lesson.
To listen to my instincts which are safe , But , grows ever fearful.
I realize now the position I'm in and what I'm going through.
One of the consequences of choosing You ... Falling for you.

You that have eyes as calm as the sea,
But can't see the beauty.
You that have a smile that could light up
The world
,But only seems to know the darkness it
You that has the softest touch , but stays Confined to the roughness of a longing

You that looks at me , but I actually Wonder what do you see.
The "Me" you saw for the first time or
The "Me" I actually turned out to be.
Do you see my deepest thoughts, fears
And everything else
Or do you still see what the surface Brings.

Have you found the truth within me?
That is what truly scares me...
Sometimes what you see is what you get.
It could be better or worse, but only you
Can decide on that.
I have accepted all of it and hoping you
Can too.

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