08: My neighbour's girlfriend

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This chapter is dedicated to my friend ThatGirlThaakirah

The following morning, I woke up to a smell I hadn't sensed in quite a few years; bacon and eggs.

I continued to keep my eyes shut as I could feel my mouth begin to water at the smell, my mind not registering that my grandmother was still at the hospital after having taken her late last night after supper making me the only one in the house.

It was only when crashing and banging sounded from the kitchen that I finally woke up and that it finally registered that I should have been the only one in the house today.

Reaching my one hand out, I found and grabbed my glasses, putting them on to cure my temporary blindness.

My eyes scanned the room before landing on my iron baseball bat (which I received as a birthday gift from my father who had really hoped I would be a boy or at least get into a sport which didn't end well, as you can clearly tell), making me sit up so quickly my head hurt a little before I jumped off of the bed and tiptoed over to pick it up.

Quietly opening my door, I frowned when the banging and crashing continued, making me worry.

I mean, the sole reason I'd grabbed my bat was because I thought that perhaps the people downstairs were burglars but were trying to make food because they felt bad for stealing or maybe even serial killers out to kill everyone who stayed in this household (thank goodness my grandmother was safe, but let's take a moment to pray that I live to see a Big Bang concert) but decided that they would make breakfast first as a last meal type of thing. I mean, it may not make sense, but it also does; it showed that these serial killers were kind unlike others.

Oh no, but what if they were assassins and had those tools with powers and this was part of their plan; to lure the household downstairs and when we reached the kitchen, ready to eat, they'd use everything they had, killing us all with one blow.

"I need to stop watching horrors," I whisper to myself as I peak around the wall and down the stairs, trying to check if maybe I could spot the people downstairs and judge them from there (whether they were burglars, assassins or serial killers.

I refuse to believe they are rapists because if I do, I'll end up in jail after whooping their asses with my baseball bat only to have the police find my prints and haul me to the questioning room where I'd deny it until they resorted to torturing me like they did in The Vampire Diaries and when I eventually speak, they'll give me one of those stupid smirks and give me a 7 year imprisonment only to come by two days later and say I'm on the death sentence which had been brought back just for me).

"I need to stop watching anime too," I mutter before making my way quietly down the stairs, not once making a sound.

I could totally be a spy and I could either join James Bond (as if, no offence), the spy kids association (never going to pass that chance up because gosh damn, those kids are awesome!) or totally spies (if I ever do, I call dibs on being Sam because she is clever and I wouldn't mind having that for when I need to do exams, you get what I mean? I refuse to ever, ever cheat with my spy equipment because like, just no).

As I began making my way to the doorway of the kitchen where the non-stop crashing and banging had finally come to an end, I poked my head around the wall only to freeze at the sight.

There, in my kitchen, stood the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Like honestly, she was the kind of person you would hope to look like (then again, I could be exaggerating because honestly, I had this habit where I tend to go overboard especially with my imagination).

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