My love

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I couldn't believe it. Was it really Suga? My Childhood friend.
"Do you remember now Chimchim? I am a little disappointed, you didn't recognize me when you saw me even after our promise."
"It's really you Suga!!!" I grabbed him and gave him a big hug. "Why didn't you tell emit was you in the beginning?"
"Because we had promised to not forget each other and you did, when you talked to me I stood there hoping that you would recognize me, but you didn't and I got mad then I acted like I hated you."
"You could just have told me Suga, we could have avoided this problem we had in the beginning."
"Sorry Jimin I just wanted you to remember me but in the end I gave that up and just decided to tell you instead."
"Its ok Suga I understand, at least we are back together right? After being away for so many years."
"You don't even know how much I missed you Chimchim, I thought about you every day."
"I missed you too Suga but I guess after not seeing you for a while I forgot about you."
"Let's just forget that ok, we are back together and we are going to be as close as we use to be in the past." I smiled. I never thought I was going to see My Suga again. I was so happy to see him.
"Suga...Can I ask you something?" I had been wondering something for a while.
"Yeah what is it?"
" there something going on between you and Taehyung or Jungkook? You seem to be pretty close to both of them." he laughed, grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close to him.
"Why are you jealous?" he put his face closer to mine.
I moved back "No I am not jealous I was just wondering, since they seem to have a liking for you."
He let go off me "No I have nothing going on with either of them, I am just close to Taehyung he is very friendly and Jungkook just likes to hang around me."
"Oh ok then" he studied me
"Why do you ask? Do you like one of them?" his eyes widened. Now it was my turn to play with him.
I stepped closer to him "Why? Are you jealous?" he smiled and shook his head
"You are just playing with me aren't you? But really, do you like one of them?" I thought about it for a while.
"No... I don't think so"
"What do you mean I don't think so? Do you or do you not?"
"Well I feel a sort of attraction to Taehyung since he is always hanging around me and acting a little too friendly and... I guess it's the same with Jungkook he is really nice to me and I feel happy when he is there with me."
He just stared at me "Well... you need to sort out your feelings you can't like all three of us." He jumped off the bed and walked out the room. What did he mean all three of us? I went after him
"Yah, Suga what do you mean all three of us?" he kept walking and didn't turn around, he opened the front door and was gone,
Why did he say three of us? I never told him that I liked him. Why is he assuming things?
I heard my phone ring. I walked into my room and grabbed my phone from my bed.

Message: My love
Chimchim stop trying to hide it I know you like me.

Why is he saying I like him? I have done nothing for him to believe that.

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