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I saw you again today at the gig I have been looking forward to for months
Like fate with a clipboard, stating I have been happy for too long
Lets throw some lemons at you and see what you do with them.

How long has it been? 3 months?
3 months since you were outside my work like a vulture, waiting for me to drop down dead on your door step, my heart in your hands.

We have never been as close as we were today though, you normally scatter like a startled deer in the headlights of my stare.
Running fast and free while I break suddenly, wondering if that really did just happen.

So I saw you, you saw me, we listened to the music and in one swift motion, we were both crying, the song I listened to for months after we broke up playing in my ear.
I was screaming the words, drowning in my own tears, the sea of memories crashing on top of me with no sign of a life boat.

The song finished, the gig finished, I looked around and everyone had already left, it was just you and me, like we were the last two people alive. You had as many tears down your cheeks as me, I know, I counted, we were that close.

I'm home now, the rest just passed in a daze, I came home and stripped, out if my clothes that smelled of you, out of the many masks I wear to pretend I'm okay and I am sat in bed, as naked as the day my mind reset because you fucked us all up. So much

I hope this will get easier, but hope is just as fickle as fate. They both hold a grudge and I don't feel I have done any favours for either

Phoenix ♡

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