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These past three weeks I've found some kind of excuses so I could be out the house as long as possible. I just really didn't want to see him or should I say face him cause I was too chicken.

I spent most of my day bothering Key at the store since it was my day off and my manager didn't really mind if we stuck around for awhile.

She was really nice.

I liked her.

Before I left the house I made sure to put on the clothes I'd be wearing on our girls night out with Key tonight.

Just a simple dusty sage colored tomgirl ringer shirt, ripped washed out jeans, and my white converse which I protected with my life to keep clean.

"Can't you leave already jeez you're like a flea won't won't let this dog live." Key whined. I mean had had been here for about three hours.

"No can do, I don't wanna go home."

"Yeah cause you're too much a coward to confront him about how you really feel."

"I told you I don't like him like that!" I said throwing a bag of mozzarella at him which he successfully caught.

"Mhmm sure you can fool me but not yourself darling."

Who says I'm lying to myself. I'm positive my feelings were just friendly affection.

"So she hates you?" Kino asked shoving another cheeto in his mouth. His fat ass was currently plastered on the couch making himself a little too at him for my liking.

"Basically it's mostly your fault you freaking idiot."

"Hey I was just curious man." He shrugged. I wanted to kill him.

"So what am I suppose to do now?" I sighed putting my head in my hands. There's only a certain point in your life where you feel so hopeless.

"Tell her how you feel."

"She won't even let me say a word to her."

"Then take control dude. You're always overthinking shit like a puppy with girls when you're sober. Just take control of the situation and blow the words out of her mouth." He said popping another chip in his mouth.

"Wow. That's the most helpful advice I think you've ever given me. I could cry Kino." I said wiping a fake tear off my cheek.

He was right though. I needed to just man up and take control.

The forecast for tonight was showers so I decided to grab an umbrella and go look for her at work. I made sure to kick Kino out of my house before I left.

Closing my door I looked up at the sky and saw the dark heavy clouds covering up the afternoon sundown. Placing my hands inside my pockets I began walking down the road to fix what was torn.

"So you ready to go bîtch?" Key asked throwing his coat over his shoulder. The sky was now dark with the stars and moon now replaced with heavy clouds.

"Yeah let's go!" I said putting a fist in the air.

Key rolled his eyes slipping into his car and attempting to start his car. After a few tries he placed his hands on the side of the steeling wheel letting out a very frustrated grunt.

"Today of all days is the day my baby decides to leave me stranded. Life is so great to me." He ran his fingers through his brown locks.

"Aww it's okay atleast you tried." I gave him a small comforting smile while proceeding to step out the car and navigate myself home.

"Well there's always next time anyway and like I said stop being such a freaking chicken and just talk things out with him girl." I nodded and he smiled opening his arms and engulfing me in his arms. My head was rested on his chest.

Yes I was small okay shut up.

"Anna?" I heard a familiar voice say.

Getting closer to the grocery store I noticed two figures standing close to each other. When they were in full view Anna was standing there looking happy as ever hugging some other guy.

My heart was slowly shattering but that's okay.

"Anna?" I said barely audible but enough to catch their attention.

She opened her eyes quickly separating herself from the hug.

"So this is the famous Wooseok huh?" The guy smirked turning his body to face me. He wa smiling evilly like he knew something I didn't.

"Who the hell are you?" I said throwing him a glare.

"Woah woah tiger I'm just a friend of Anna's here but it was nice meeting you." He said putting his hands up in defeat before extending his hand out for me to shake.

I just smacked it away.

He seems offended.


"There's no need to be so rude Wooseok. Why are you even here?" Anna said making turn my attention to her.

"I- I came to walk you home. Thought we could maybe talk." She narrowed her eyes while a frown appeared on her face.

"Well that's my que to leave. I'll see you later Anna and it was nice meeting you hot stuff." The guy said throwing a quick wink my way before scurrying away.

"What? Anyway come on let's go home." I reached out for her hand but she moved it away.

"Don't you understand that I don't want anything to do with you? The last thing I want right now is you walking me home like I'm some irresponsible teenager." She said getting angry.

"Anna please I'm really sorry about everything I said to you at that party. It was stupid of me to get wasted like that."

"No Wooseok. Please I don't need this right now. I don't even know how I feel about you." She said looking down at her feet. Her voice cracked a bit as she talked.

"But I know how I feel about you." I felt a drop fall on my nose before a down pour of rain engulfed us. Many people passing by began running to get out the rain but we were still here staring into each other's eyes.

"Anna I like you and a lot. I'm crazy about you. I love the way you have a small dimple on the side of your right cheek when you smile. How you without knowing do the cutest little expressions or how when you're angry your frown just ends up looking like a pout. Everything about you drives me crazy and I'd treasure you more than anything in this world if you'd let me." I was out of breath but these were my thoughts and I had to voice them.

"I-I don't know. I'm scared." She whispered rain now soaking her clothes.

"Don't be." I reached for her pulling her closer. Placing my hands on her cheeks I leaned down connected my lips with hers. They tasted of strawberries and it was intoxicating. I traced my tongue across the bottom of her lip biting it slightly while she gripped pulling me closer my shirt after finally giving in.

I'd imagined this a million times but this...this was way more perfect.

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