The Dignified Cat.

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The dignified cat.

My eyes stared into the very void of nothingness and were hung low with exhaustion, prickling softly from the cold wind. I slung my bag higher on my shoulder and winced as pain shot down my arm. Grey clouds hung low in promise of rain. I pushed myself out of the cold silence and through the doors of the warm classroom. A bustle of noise hit my ears and the cheery atmosphere floated softly by. I looked around my face as grey and blank as the clouds outside. I sighed, walking over to my desk. I biffed my bag on to the desk and slouched myself down onto the chair. I looked around at the happy faces that surrounded me and sighed again and looked away. I leaned against the window and watched the wind out side wrestle with the trees. The bland void of nothingness devouring my mind once more. Then I saw it, I saw an orange cat waddle past, its stomach swaying side to side as its fur was battered by the wind. It perked my interests although I would not be able to explain why it had. I began observing the cat as it crossed the court yard, looking around suspiciously as if it knew it was being watched. The cat stalked towards a garbage can which was overflowing with a sea of rubbish. With one giant heave of it's body the cat leapt up and landed majestically on top of the bin, knocking it over and spilling out the contents over the concrete. The cat was now splayed on it's side looking horrified, spitting insults to the sky, as if wondering why the bin could of done such a thing. The cat looked around once more to see if anyone had seen his embarrassing incident but upon realising he was all alone, the cats face suddenly set in a dignified determination. It pulled itself up, grumbling as it went, straightened it's fur and held his head high. With one more quick sweep of his surroundings, he strutted off, tail held high and shoulders set back. The cat truly was a dignified one. I continued to stare at the bin, too shocked and amazed at how much pride one cat could have, especially a fat one at that. The corners of my mouth tilted up into a smile. Then all of a sudden a wave of happiness burst over me and I exploded with laughter. The room went silent but I continued to laugh. I laughed until my sides ached and until I could breathe no longer. As I began to calm down a sudden dignified determination set in my shoulders, no, in my mind. I looked around the room and the room looked back. I stood up, grabbed my bag, straightened my hair and held my head high. With one more quick sweep of my surroundings, I strutted off, head high and my shoulders set back. For I knew I was just as dignified as the cat and in the end me and the dignified cat were one in the same.

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