chapter 3

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As I walk into my parents room I come face to face with a pissed off dad.

"Why were you away from your secret service for 30 Minutes Ellanore!?" He yells.

"I needed some space. They were driving me nuts!" I reply moving my hands around in the air for emphasis.

my dad sighs before pulling me close to him.

"Ella ray you need to be careful when you are away from your secret service. There are people that would give anything to harm you." He says.

"I know dad but I cant keep doing it. I just want to have a normal senior year experience. I don't want secret service watching my every move. I want to be able to talk to whoever I want whenever I want. How am I supposed to make friends?" I ask.

"I will see what I can do for now why don't you go and get some homework done." He suggests.

"Okay daddy." I say giving him a hug. He kisses to top of my head before we pull apart.

I walk out of the room to find Mark. When we are far enough away i stop.

"Mark can you do me a favor and look up Theo? I dont know his last name but he goes to my school and get me the information as soon as possible?" i ask.

"Absolutely Ella." Mark says.

"Thank you." I say continuing my walk to my room.

When i get there the secret service stands outside my room as I continue in. I walk to my bed laying on it thinking about random things for a few minutes when my phone goes off.

T-Hey how was the ride home?

Me- Fine.

T-I need to talk to you tomorrow. I have a proposition for you.

Me-Idk if that's a good idea.

T-trust me princess.

Me- fine but you have 5 minutes tomorrow at lunch.

T-you got it princess.

When we finished texting i put my phone down just as my door opened and Mark poked his head in.

"You have dinner in 15 minutes. Don't be late."

I simply nod my head before going to my closet and choosing an outfit. I throw on a pair of leggings as well as a gray t-shirt that says "need more sleep" I put my hair in a messy bun before sliping on a pair of fuzzy socks. I make my way downstairs before sitting at my usual spot at the table. The food is brought out and I take small bites dragging time on as I am not hungry.

"Ellanore is everything okay?" My dad asks worry laceing his voice.

"Yeah I am just not that hungry or in the mood to eat. May I be excused?" I ask.

My dad nods his head telling me I can leave. I walk out of the dining room and into my room. I walk to my closet opening the hidden door walking in and finding my huge selection of books. I take a deep breath in enjoying the moment. I walk over to the shelf grabing the Fault in our stars book. I take a seat on the floor and begin reading. I allow myself to get lost in the book and let all my worries slowly fade away. After about an hour or so I hear a knock on my bedroom door. I place a bookmark in the spot I stoped at and head back to my room. I open the door finding my dad. I allow him to come in before going and laying on my bed.

"Ella please look at me." He pleads.

I look in his direction my face no doubt emotionless.

"I'm worried about you sweetheart." He states placing his hand on my thigh.

"I am perfectly fine dad. I just have a lot going on and it's my senior year. I promise that I am okay."

"I know which is why I am going to talk to your secret service detail and have them back off a bit. three of them will be outside while three will be in the building keeping their distance. They will not be aloud to engage in anything unless asked to." He says.

I look at him my expression that of shock.

"You are right it is your senior year and you do deserve to have the experience. However you are still the president's daughter and have to set a good example. I can't have anything going wrong. lastly please be careful I don't want you getting hurt and I don't want anyone to know about your past Ella." He says sencerly.

"I know day and no one will unless I truly trust them. I promise I will be safe. Im getting better you know that."

"I do I just worry but what kind of father would I be if I didn't worry."

I let out a chuckle before giving him a small hug.

"Now get some sleep you have a big day tomorrow." He says before walking out of my room closing the door behind him and leaving me to get ready for bed and let thoughts to consume my brain.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2017 ⏰

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