The Power

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One thing to know about me, Brian Handler, is that I have an incredible power. I have more energy inside me than a nuclear power plant. I looked it up once.

I can do anything with my hands. I clean my room without getting up, I change my wall color without paint. Of course, I have to be very subtle about it. I change the tint or shade a little bit every day, so that a few months later, instead of green, it's blue. But I did run into a very sticky situation when my parents looked at a picture with me and my room pre-color changing, and I had to very quickly change my room color back. Luckily, they didn't notice anything.

Oh, do you have vivid daydreams? Most vivid you've ever heard? Not anymore. I can create a literal daydream whenever I want, with a twitch of my finger. I finished a geometry test once, and I forgot a book, so I created another reality. I was in space without a space suit, and I was surviving just fine. It was incredible. I was looking at the Earth and the stars and the moon and the sun and the asteroid belt and the other planets. It was breathtaking. It literally shattered into little pieces when the bell rang, though. I could see a small fragment of the asteroid belt on the floor when I left. On the bus ride home, I went back into space. That time, I was able to go zoom back into Earth until I was where I was. I almost couldn't tell the difference. Only when I was in the alternate bus changing back onto the bus, it was like peeling a bit of plastic away. It was so cool.

 I love my power. And I pity those who don't have it.

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