Chapter 3

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{(Y/n)'s pov}

Everything had happened so quickly it was hard to believe. You were just standing in class room then all the sudden a stuffed rabbit appeared and told everyone about some class trip. You didn't like the idea of being forced into a class trip; But it isn't like you had a choice.

After the rabbit, who had introduced herself as Usami, stopped talking the building collapsed and revealed a tropical island. Usami talked for a little while longer, explaining things and then everyone decided to explore the island, then met back at the beach. You had decided to explore the hotel area.

You discovered that Usami didn't have enough cottages made for everyone and you would end up sharing one with someone. You couldn't tell who it was by the photo in front of the cottages, since you still hadn't met everyone. You headed into the hotel first and saw a girl with a cat hoodie. You made up your mind to talk to her first.

"Hi!" You said to the girl. After a little bit she responded. "Hey." She sounded sleepy. "I'm (Y/n) (L/n), the Ultimate Artist." You said. "I'm Chiaki Nanami, the Ultimate Gamer. Video games are my hobby, and I'm a fan of all genres...nice to meet you." The girl, now known as Chiaki, said.

After a little bit of talking with you headed to the airport, where two guys were standing. One had bright pink hair, and the other was wearing a giant purple scarf, with grey-streaked black hair. You decided to talk to the one with the scarf first. He said some strange things but eventually introduced himself.

"The name is...Gundham Tanaka! Remember it well, as it is the name that will one day rule the world!" "I'm (Y/n) (L/n)," you said, "Ultimate Artist." Gundham proceeded to tell you his Ultimate, "I am deemed the Ultimate Breeder," He stated, as four hamsters popped out of his scarf.

After playing with his hamsters for a bit, you walked over to the pink haired guy. "Hi! I'm (Y/N) (L/n), the Ultimate Artist!" You said to the guy happily. "Name's Kazuichi Soda. I'm the Ultimate Mechanic. Nice to meet ya!" Kazuichi said. After a little bit of small talk, you headed to the farm.

When you got there you saw two girls; One with a kimono and one who looked kinda normal. You decided to talk to the one who looked normal first. "Hi. I'm (Y/n) (L/n), the Ultimate artist." You said. "Yo! The name's Akane Owari! Nice to meetcha!" Akane also told you that she was the Ultimate Gymnast.

After a bit of talking with akane you walked over to the girl in a kimono. You introduced yourself to her and she told you her name and that was about it. You noticed it was almost time to meet up with everyone. You headed over to the beach where you all had been when this class trip started. when you got there you saw a short guy with blond hair. You decided to go and introduce yourself to him.

"Hi! I'm (Y/n) (L/n) The Ultimate Artist" you said happily. "Name's Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu... Just so we're clear, I don't plan to act friendly and shit with you guys." The guy that you now know as Fuyuhiko said. You both stood there waiting for the others.

A little bit later all the others were there and everyone started discussing what they had discovered. You mentioned the cottages and that you had to share a cottage with someone who you found out was Sonia Nevermind. You didn't mind sharing a cottage with her because she seems really nice. after you all finished discussing what you found Usami appeared with swimsuits for everyone. About half of us ran to go change to go swimming but you decided not to and just sat on the beach for a bit. A little bit after everyone got back the sky suddenly turned dark. A voice from the suddenly came from the monitor telling them all to head to Jabberwalk Park.

Once everyone was there a black and white bear appeared. The bear introduced himself as Monokuma and then started to explain that instead on Usami's school trip where we had to collect hope fragments to get off the island, we would have to kill someone and get away with it to escape the island.

After the bear finished talking everyone went back to their cottages. You realized that Sonia could easily kill you and that you could easily kill her because you shared a cottage with her. You quickly stop thinking about killing someone and decided that the only way that you would die on the island would be if you got murdered.

The beds in the cottage where on opposite sides of the cottage. A little bit after you finished looking around the cottage you decided to ask sonia if she had thought about actually killing someone. "Hey sonia can i ask you a question?" you said. "sure. what is it?" Sonia replied. "Have you thought about actually killing someone?" you asked her. "No!" she said shocked "but i did realize that we could easily kill one another easily because we share a cottage." she said calmly. "Hey i have an idea." you stated. "What is it?" Sonia asked. "We both don't think about killing and we try to get off this island together." you said.

"Sure." Sonia said calmly. "I hope we can end up being good friends!" you stated happily. After a while of talking with sonia you fell asleep and woke up the next day to monokuma making a morning announcement. You yawned and got up and headed to the restaurant where everyone else already was at. Nothing much happened for the rest of the day. Monokuma made the night time announcement and you went to sleep.

The next day when you reached the restaurant Byakuya announced that we were going to have a party later tonight in the old building next to the hotel. We all pulled straws to see who would have to clean up the building and it ended up being nagito. Teruteru is in charge of making the food and the rest of us have time to do whatever we want until the party.

sorry this took me so long to update i got busy and had writers block for a while but i finally managed to finish this chapter and it's 3:15 am and i probably should be asleep.

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