The 'Animal Sanctuary'

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The ‘Animal Sanctuary’

     Butterscotch, a wondrous little bunny with a spectacular ability.  And what is her ‘spectacular ability’ you ask?  Well, she can manipulate objects with her mind!  But, this comes at a terrible cost, Butterscotch has very low endurance. This is so terrible for a rabbit, it means certain death.  However, just with this stereotype, bunny has survived for four bunny years.(or rather a whole year) 

     You still ask why she has these ‘spectacular ability’?!?  Well, when Butterscotch’s mother, Flower, had given birth to Butterscotch and her sisters, she was attacked by an eagle.  This left a scar on her side, and her daughters randomly  given scars and mysterious powers.  Butterscotch has two sisters who also have scars from the attack.  Honey, the first born of the triplets, has a birthmark on her front left knee in the shape of a bee.  This is not where she got her name from though, that came from a huge glob of honey that fell from a bee hive a couple days after the young bunnies birth.  The next, Caramel, had a large talon mark on her back.  She was perfectly fine, nothing ever seemed wrong with her.  Finally, Butterscotch, has her disability,  ability, and a cute little scar on her ear.  Everyone admires her scar, it’s just so adorable to everyone who’s anyone.  This marks, even if they get annoying, never deeply bother the girls, or even Flower.  They all just think of it as a set ‘individuality’ for their family!

     The girls, however, bicker amongst each other.  And they never settle on the same thing, it always has to be an argument.  This shall all change, because there life may one day depend on it.

* * *

     “Hey, mom,” Caramel looked over at her mother who was setting up there satchels for school. “After school, I’m going over to Ashley’s, ok?”

     “Fine,” Flower leaned up slightly. “but be home before nightfall.”

     “Yes mom.” Caramel chuckled past her sister Butterscotch, while she dismally walked downstairs. “Watch out ‘Sloth’.” Caramel pushed her sister over.

     Honey, just waltzing indoors, helped Butterscotch up, then danced over to Flower, “Are you done yet?” she laughed gleefully.

     “Yes and you three need to head off soon, before the birds begins to prance through the sky.” she edged over to Honey kissing her forehead, who hissed at her. “Her Butter.” she handed the two girls their satchels. “Take Caramel’s too, she already left, I think.”

     “She did,” Butterscotch spoke up with a small squeak.  She always squeaked when she spoke.

     The two girls slowly walked outside, and slowly caught up to their sister, who sucked on a vanilla Lully.  The three joined together, and began there walk to school.  Caramel crunched down on her Lully.  Honey twirled around the bushes, and gracefully dodged the rocks.  Butterscotch, however, just walked.  She seldom sighed, but that’s seldom.  When the girls arrived at school, they were greeted by the teacher, Mrs. Carrotith, she was kind, enough.

    “Well,” she began with a slight cough. “Good morning girls, did you finish your homework?”

     “Nope.” Caramel chimed.

     “I got confused on the History,’’ Honey looked at the ground in embarrassment. “The stuff about why the humans always fight.”

     “Oh, it’s quite alright dear, I’ll explain it more later in our studies.” She smiled quickly, then turned a smug face over at Butterscotch. “And you?”

     “I finished it” Butterscotch squeaked again, then felt a cold draft.

     “Ok! Then lets get inside, girls.” Mrs. Carrotith slid her pupils towards the school door.

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