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After a long while of searching, the four women all sighed and gave up when they couldn't find Eli and Nozomi. They decided to leave when the leader caught something familiar at the Ferris Wheel, it took her a few minutes to realize that the sweet duo were riding it even a few moments ago so she had her eyes widened upon the realization and tugged on her peers' dresses while pointing at the ride with her free hand,"Look! That seems to be them!" the other three women looked at the same direction their leader was pointing to and they all had the same surprised expression,"You're right, it's them!" "Now's our chance! We will continue the plan!" Said the third one and the leader nodded with a smirk on her face,"Let's begin the operation then."

Eli and Nozomi then moved off from the Ferris Wheel after their stall had landed down and the ride stopped, they then exited and they looked at each other for a moment, pondering for what they should do next. And from a distance behind them, the four women were preparing themselves. After a moment of preparation, the leader then looked around, finding someone and after a moment, she then found a small boy walking past them while eating his ice cream. She then grabbed the boy's arm,"Hey you, could you do me a favor?" The boy stopped and was stumbled back a bit then looked up at her curiously, the leader put on a large fake smile,"Could you call that blonde-haired woman over there? She won't be able to talk to us if we would be the ones to do it." The boy blinked up at her like he is studying the leader's face, he seems to be familiarizing her and after a moment, he gasped and pointed at her,"You!! You were the one who stole my ball last time!! Where is it?!"

The leader growled as she twisted her face while looking down at the boy,"You shut your mouth and do me a favor!" "No! I don't want to until you give me back my ball!" The leader growled again and tightened her grip on the boy which made him whimper,"Do me a favor." "M-Mommy!!" The second woman's eyes widened and rushed to the leader's side,"Hey kid! Be quiet!" The boy began to sniffle, frightened at these four women,"Help!!!"

The boy's shout made Eli and Nozomi turned their heads and the blonde's eyes widened before she narrows them again and growled,"Those four.." "Elicchi, have to help him!" Nozomi replied and the blonde nodded before she quickly moved towards the commotion,"HEY!" She shouted and the four women and the boy turned to Eli who looks so pissed off. The leader let go off the boy with shaky hands, she never would have imagined that Eli could be this intimidating. Nozomi gulped a bit in slight fear but relieved in the way Eli walks, she looks so brave and intimidating, her arms are not that too muscular but they are enough to carry two women at the same time and she is taller than she is, her body built is a little bigger than hers. And in the middle of her observation, her mind suddenly thought something that she should have never thought about it. Nozomi thought that Eli is so hot right now and felt that ticklish sensation roaming around in the part between her thighs, she blushed at the sudden heat and lightly shook her head. 'Not now..' She thought.

The four women stood still and quickly hugged one another as Eli's shadow hovered over them and the blonde cracked her knuckles out of annoyance,"You are the girls that bullies Nozomi huh?" The leader flinched and flailed her arms,"W-We aren't!" Eli's eyes narrowed,"I'm not going to beat you up since a police officer must never physically injure a citizen with his own hands but I'm warning you.." Her voice is deep and intimidating and the women gulped while shivering, Eli continued,"Try to touch a finger on her and I will make sure to send the four of you to jail. And you even tried to pick on a kid? How pathetic of you... I will have the four of you in my blacklist. Are we clear?" The four women all nodded without hesitation after Eli said it. The blonde then sighed and then turned to the little boy who was watching with widened eyes which were beaming with amazement and admiration, the blonde put a smile and walked towards him,"Are you okay?" The boy blinked once to face reality and began to smile,"That was so cool!!! What is your name, miss officer?!" Eli chuckled and placed a hand on his head,"I'm Eli Ayase, kid." The boy giggled at the pat,"Eli Ayase.. I will remember that! I want to be like you when I grow up!" The blonde grinned,"Looking forward to it then! Just do what you think is right and you might become more than me someday!" The boy's eyes shone brightly like the sun in the middle of the day which soared at its highest peak. He was so encouraged at Eli's simple words and embraced the blonde,"Thank you for saving me!" The blonde chuckled when the boy embraced her and wrapped an arm around him as returning the hug.

Nozomi, who was watching them has her eyes sparkling brightly, the time she saw that beautiful moment made her imagine that Eli is hugging her own child; a little girl who has the same blonde hair and turquoise orbs with the face shape and smile identical to Eli's and her aura that is identical to herself, she blushed at the thought and slightly shook her head to wipe the thought off, she wasn't expecting to have these kinds of thoughts ever since she reunited with Eli. After a moment, she then walked towards the blonde and the little boy not to join them but to avoid having such thoughts, distraction has been her only friend during these times. As she reached the two, she then asked,"Elicchi, is the little boy okay?" The two turned their heads and the little boy answered,"I'm okay! Hey, I know you! You are that woman whose being bullied by those ugly women!" The purple-haired felt like she had to hide her face because of pure embarrassment, how could she just let herself seen being bullied by people at the same age as she is? The youngsters might even join them for being so weak. The purple-haired just giggled nervously,"Well.." She halted when the blonde placed a hand on her shoulder, assuring her that it's all alright. The boy then continued,"Don't worry, I was being bullied by them too which is why mama told me to stay away from them whenever I see them. Well, all of us were being bullied by them. The only reason why we couldn't push them out of the neighborhood was because they were under the influence of the Silverspoon family." The purple-haired don't know what to say so she just nodded her head. The blonde froze,"Silverspoon family..?" And then only one person comes to her mind when the family name was being heard. A sudden wave of anger flowed the blonde's heart when the name of that person stayed in her head, keeping her mouth shut. The little boy blinked in confusion at Eli's sudden silence and the purple-haired turned to her,"Elicchi?"


After bringing Nozomi home, Eli hurriedly went to Leira's home with her intimidating aura. She was so pissed off that she might have something to do with what has happened today. And as she reached the main door, she knocked loudly and consecutively, Leira, herself opened the door and her eyes widened in surprise,"E-Eli! What are yo--" But she was halted when Eli suddenly grabbed her collar,"So you are trying to do everything you can to keep her away from me?!" She snarled and Leira blinked in curiosity with the mixture of fear, her body suddenly trembled upon hearing Eli's angered tone of voice, but she has no idea what she was talking about and bravely asked,"Eli, what do you mean?" "Don't try to act innocent!" Eli tightened her grip on the other and Leira yelped and whimpered in pain. And because of the shouting, Jun walked out of the kitchen,"Hey, Leira, what is going on he--" But she was halted upon seeing the scene and her eyes widened in shock before she hurriedly went over and used a little force to push Eli away from Leira,"Eli! What is going on?!" The blonde was successfully pushed back and was surprised when a force pushed her away, letting go of the frightened Leira who quickly hid behind the redhead. Jun glared at the blonde, virtually asking her to explain. Eli blinked,"Jun! She is trying to keep Nozomi away from me!" The redhead blinked and looked down at Leira, her eyes were asking her if it was true. Leira knew that and had to furrow her eyebrows, making a crease on her forehead in confusion, her fear subsided a bit and turned back to Eli,"Eli, I don't know what you are talking about!" The blonde froze, unable to answer right away because of the sudden shock, the anger in her heart was quickly replaced with pure guilt.. and anger to herself. Jun looked at Eli with her serious face,"Eli Ayase, it seems that Leira is telling the truth, you know that she can't lie right?" 

Lie.. Of course she knows. Leira can't really lie.. Even though she gets jealous easily, she doesn't have the power to lie to everyone.. not even once.. it seems that her honesty is her trademark.. good trademark and Eli felt like she should apologize.. Who is she to accuse someone when she doesn't have the evidences? Is Leira really like this from the start? Can she really believe her? They did say that looks can be deceiving. Despite the troubling thoughts that started to swirl around the blonde's head, a question plaqued in her mind:

Is it really the time to just think that those four women have their own personal issues against Nozomi?

A/N: Hey guys! Here is the new update! Enjoy reading!! 

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