„Mom please can you tell me who are going to ´take care of us´!?“ i said while I was finishing packing in my bags. My suitcase was full, I couldn‘t fit more clothes in it anymore. „oh I would probably buy something in Itlay“ I thought to myself, yeah i knew we were gonna go to Italy to meet some five boys to stay with during the summer, that‘s all, nothing more! „No dear, I‘m not gonna tell you, it‘s a suprise for both of you!“ she said with a cheeky look on her face. „I‘m sure it‘s gonna be fun“ „Yeah right..“ I mumbled. „Hey Geogia don‘t say this, trust me it‘s gonna be so much fun“ She said and punshed my shoulder playfully. Me and my mum had always been good friends, and we got even closer when my dad left us when I was 11, now 5 years later we‘re best friends. „Just think if it‘s One Direction, you like them don‘t you?“ she said smiling. „No mum I don‘t like them, My room is just covered with pictures of them just for fun“ I said with an ironic tone in my voice. „very funny Georgia!“ she said laughing.
The doorbell rang, It was probably Mary, I dropped my suitcase on the floor and ran down stairs, when I opened the door she was there, with a big smile on her face, her blonde hair in a pony tale and looking beautiful, as always.
„Aren‘t you excited!?“ she said the minute I opened the door. „ Yeah! But also kinda scared!“ I said laughing at how excited she was. „just put your suitcase and bag here in the living room“ I said a and pionted at the sofa where my cat, Adele was sleeping. She put here suitcase there and walked towards the cat „Hey pussy pussy pussy“ She said to the kitten lauging a bit. „oh Mary come here!“ I said and walked up stairs. When we came up my mum has taken the bags and put them next to the stairs. „Muuuum where are you?“ I shouted „I‘m here hun, in you room, I‘m coming, we really need to get going, so we won‘t be late!“ she shouted back.
We all got into the car, suitcases and bags in the back seat and we ready to go.
When we got to the airport it was crowded, so many peopeple were going on a vacation. Spain, France, USA, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Italy, just name it!
„Alright girls! So now I need to say good bye to you both, I will miss you two but I‘m sure you will have a great time, just send me a text when you‘ve arrived alright?“ she said with a smile on her face. „I‘m gonna miss you too mum!!“ I said and hugged her. „I‘m gonna miss you too Anne!“ Mary said and hugged her also. I waved back to her as we passed the security mens.
The flight was not to long and we had a great time during the flight, trying to guess who we‘re gonna stay in the summer and what we would buy and stuff like that.
When we landed it seemed really warm and it was sunny. „Wow it‘s such a good weather outside!“ i said to Mary as we walked trough the airport to get our bags . „yeah I know! This might be the best summer vaction ever!“ she said jumping around „ Well we still need to find out who we‘re gonna stay with during the summer, don‘t we?“ I said raising my eyebrows. „Yes of course!“ she replied as we took our bags and walked outside. I texted my mum while we were finding a taxi saying ´we just landed :) x ´. „Here Georgia! I found a taxi!“ Mary shouted at me, I came running to her and we both got into the car. I handed the driver man an address where we were supposed to go.
When we had been driving for about 10 mintues I finnaly broke the silence „ so Mary who do you think it would be?“ I said as I fellt butterflies in my stomach „I really don‘t know! This is so excited“ she said almost screaming „Shhh“ I wishpered to her „ the driver thinks we are crazy or something!“.
We finally arrived, we looked outside the window and saw a big, BIG house! „alright girls this is it, we‘re here now!“ the driver said „wooow“ i mumbled to my self as I got outside of the car. „This is amazing“ I heard Mary saying. „are we really gonna stay here during the summer?“ she asked me. „I-I think so“ I said almost speacheless just by looking at the house.
We kept on walking towards the house „Hello, is anybody here?“ I shouted „Hellooo?“ I heard someone saying back. We got to the garden when we saw the most gorgeous 5 boys standing there smiling at us.