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our beginning:8

"but i don't want to go" maddie says whining like a baby

"mads your drunk, you need to go home"

"i can't go home" she says once again whining like a baby

"why?" i ask

"my parents will kill me if they see me like this, can't i just stay over your house?"

"i honestly would love to let you sleep over but my mom and my moms douche of a boyfriend would get all bitchy"


i suddenly get an idea

"hold up! i may know someone who might be able to let all us stay the night at his house"

"who?" she ask

"you'll see, let's just go and find my brothers"

i grab her hand and lead her into the kitchen where luckily i find both of my brothers

"hey i found you" i say once i approach them

issac stumbles towards me almost falling but i catch him just in time

"oh my god look it's val!!" issac shouts while touching my face

"isaac can you stop!"

he ignores me and keeps touching my face

"if you don't stop touching my face i will bite you" i say

"your a meanie!" he says as he backs away

"whatever just get your drunk ass together and let's go"

"go where?" he says

"don't worry about it, lucas can you grab him and drag him outside for me thanks babe"

"ok?" he answers

we all make our way through the big crowd of sweaty teenagers.

once we get outside i pull out my phone and text geo

to: juwany❤️
hey can you meet me out front?

immediately after sending the message he answers back

from: juwany❤️

ok im coming

"who you texting?" lucas asked


"geo?" they all say in unison

i laugh at them "yes geo"

"so your officially friends?" isaac asked making me turn my attention towards him

"mhmm bestfriends!" i say with a big smile

"hey!" maddie says

i laugh at her "don't worry you'll always be my number one"

"yay im special" she says with a cheeky smile

we all stand there talking about random things when finally out of the corner of my eye i see geo

"hey, what's up?" he says once he approaches us

"we need your help" i say


"well as you can see maddie and my brother issac are drunk as hell and i can't really take them home cuz they'll get in trouble so i was wondering if you could maybe help us out?"

our beginning; juwany romanWhere stories live. Discover now