07| Looks hot on him

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see good in things

          I sighed as i finished the story while Carter nodded in understood as she respond, "Are you on your period?" After a few seconds of silence and she cuts in.

          I widen my eyes, "I know right but usually if i am, i would literally cry for no reason, feeling weak," I put my finger below my chin, as if i'm thinking.

          She stood up, clicking her heels down the floor and i looked at it. She walks damn well with that thing, while i always falls off my butt every time i take a step forward. Does heels works on only specific people? because i'm pretty sure i'm not one of them.

          "Well, i have good news for you," She said as she fix her light ruffle shirt. I looked at her, waiting for her to continue and her lips lift up for a grin, "You'll be meeting your boyfriend in—," she looked at her watch, "15 minutes,"

          I stood up too, facing her, "What why? I never planned this, not after what happened," i shook my head while looking at the ground. Why does he wanted to meet me so early?

          She shrugged, thinking she does not know either, "I don't know Astrid, he called me this morning saying he wanted to meet you and i asked why," she pauses and i looked at her, "And he said he kind of miss you,"

          Raising my eyebrow, "kind of?"

          Carter groaned, "Ugh, I don't know okay? He forced me to call you here so that he can picked you up since he knew if he came to your house —," i continue her words.

          "Paparazzi will be everywhere, i know," i sighed. I looked down at my school outfit and i dislike it. Wearing my school outfit from morning, it feels disgusting so luckily i brought my extra outfit. I excuse myself to the bathroom.

          I splashed some water to my face and looked at the mirror, definitely not feeling ready for meeting him after last night. I sighed again and packed up all my clothes. Heading back to Carter, i could already see him. Wearing what he usually wears and his hair is messy.

          Looks hot on him. I rethink myself on that thought. Just shut up will you? I can't, not if you're thinking about him right now. I groaned to myself. Talking to myself again, it needs to stop otherwise people will think of me crazy.

          I inhale a breathe and tighten up my flannel that i could feel lose on my waist and walked in. Chas turned to me and smiled, showing his only dimple. Should i smile back? I'm being awkward right now and i really hate it.

          "Right, i guess we should get going then. Good bye Carter," as he grab my hand without my permission and i don't literally care. I'm too tired to care right now after what Carter had set me. He didn't let go of my hand, earning some glances from people until we reached the car.

          We sat in silence until i see where we're going, "You're taking me to the fair?" I raised an eyebrow and he scratched his neck which is kind of cute. What the heck? I swear this is not me talking, please do shut up.

          He gave me his nervous laugh, "Its the first thing that comes in my mind and i wanted you to have fun since you know — last night," He said as he looked deeply into my eyes.

          I tore my gaze away from him, "Well then, its been a while since i came to this fair," i said as i open the car door and shut it behind me. I inhale the air and smiled to myself. Coming to the fair when i was little is always what i like the most. Its calming even though there would be screaming of children.

          He locked the car door as i went in front of the car. He quickly went to me and grabbed my hand again, he intertwined his fingers with mine and it fits perfectly together. I did not mind since we need to make appearance together in public.

          "So Astrid, mind telling me why you're storming off last night after i thought the night went perfectly fine for us two?" Chas asked as he turned to me and i gulped down my cotton candy.

          Right now, my arm is linked with him as i was holding the cotton candy on the other hand while shoving the cotton candy into my mouth with another, "I can't explain," i simply said.

          He nodded, "Is it your time of the month?" I snort and he looked at me confused. I just shrugged in response. He nodded to me and smiled. He's been a gentlemen ever since we got here and i don't know why.

           Chas widen his eyes and almost feeling giddy. He pointed to the shot and win stall where you shot the balloons and if it hits, you'll win prices. Chas smiled and i giggled as he lead me towards the stall. The owner grinned, "What a cute couple you two are. Here to win a teddy or even a dinosaur for this beautiful lady?" he turned to Chas.

          Chas turned to me and looked me into my eyes. Something light up inside me but i ignored it. He leaned in and kissed my cheek, "I agree on that last sentence sir," and turned towards the owner. I freaking blushed, help me.

           I let him go to play because i can't stay linked to him or else, how can he throw the freaking arrow? He bit his tongue out and concentrate and it hit the balloon not once but twice. I blinked rapidly and looked at him.

            The owner happily gave Chas the dinosaur and we walked away, "Here this is for you Madam, as my apologies," i furrowed my eyebrow. What does he sorry for?

          "Wait, what are you—," he cuts me off by walking happily ahead of me pointing at the ferris wheel. I weakly smiled. I don't deserve him yet he's sorry for the mistake that he doesn't make. I felt such a jerk.


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