"Hey there, Mr. McBaker.
You’re probably wondering to why you would get such letter on your doorstep in the middle of the night; maybe, who this is from. Well, Mr. McBaker, I have come this far to finally build up the courage to tell you something I have felt about you for a long time. This courage was triggered in the school's graduation party, where you wore a nice black suit and I wore a silk dress.
It started on the day we met. Three years ago, my freshman year. The feeling of being the new kid was in the pit of my stomach that day. Petrified of the humongous seniors and juniors was the exact reason my chest tightened. You, being the nice human being that you are, you stepped out of the classroom five minutes later after I did to check up on me. You asked me how I was and obviously, I lied and stepped in your class again. That was the day I also met one of my closest friend, a strawberry blonde girl but you don’t care about that.
I’m probably taking up your precious time. As a busy, intelligent man, I’m sure that your mind is preoccupied with other intelligent stuff and some teenager crushing on you doesn’t need to be left in your precious brain. Go ahead, put this letter down. You don’t need to spare my feelings.
Alright, you’re continuing on reading. Either for pity towards me or because of curiosity, I do not care. This letter’s purpose is to spill every feeling for you that I’ve kept for 3 whole years before I have to move to UK for Oxford Uni.
I guess I have to thank you for that too. You’re the reason I pushed myself harder to do well in school. So when I do personally introduce myself to you, I’d be finished from a famous college and good enough for you. When you’re married or in a relationship then, sucks for me then but I’m not going to worry about that just yet.
You won’t even probably guess who I am, or maybe you will. I was a kid who sat in the middle of your Pre-AP (Freshman) and AP(Senior) Chemistry that only had 3 friends who kept ourselves to the group. Never have I gotten in trouble. “Goody- two- shoes” Is what you’d call me, but who cares? Definitely not me. Being goody-two-shoes got me a scholarship.
The memory of you is always the way you sit on your leather swivel chair, legs crossed. Once in a while, you would have them outstretched, mouth forming into an “O” shape as a yawn of tiredness escape from your pink tinted lips. That was a sight.
Having read this far, you’ve already most likely pictured me as a stalker and a creep. In that case, it doesn’t hurt to say how many times my dreams were filled with the thought of having your lips melting on my own in an earth shattering kiss, filled with passion. Oh, the goose bumps that prickles up on my skin at the mere thought.
Each passing weekdays, my head was clouded with the image of your perfect grin. It wasn’t any ordinary grin, no. It was better than any Hollister and Armani models out there. Yours didn’t need photo shopping. Your smile showed your perfectly aligned pearly white teeth that could melt any being on this universe. I think that’s what drawn me to you. It was magnetic.
And when that last bell fills the empty halls and full classrooms, I make my way home still thinking about you. There was this one time when I was walking home under the rain, only wishing that you were to drive by and stop just to have our lips collide; to confess your undying love to me. Of course that never happened. It was a silly thought.
For three years, it went on like that; me, madly in love with you and you, being completely clueless about it. Some days, my body would be sprawled on my bed with John Mayer on the background, eyes shedding tears. It’s painful knowing that you will never notice me. And even how much I work hard, I knew then and I still know now that I will never be good enough for you. You’re not as pitiful as me, wanting to date someone who’s completely off limits.
Please excuse my patheticness. Is that even a word? Patheticness… Hmm… Sorry, I was never smart good in English. But anyways, have you ever heard of the quote, “The love that last longest are the ones that can never be”? That’s exactly how this is. We can never be together, yet here I am, still foolishly in love with you.
So right now, you have reached the part of this letter where you find out who I am; who’s the girl that went through the pain and the bliss of loving someone who doesn’t know she exist. I’m that girl who would not stop loving you, ever. I, Mr. McBaker am Jacqueline Mane, the pathetic girl in the white dress."

Dear Mister (Teacher Student One-Shot)
RomanceIt started with a teacher. Loved by a student. Confessed through a letter. Ended without accomplishment.