Chapter 1: Sky high

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You walked into the cafeteria, the room crowded with people and teenagers speaking to one another as if it was the last time they'd ever speak again. You shook your head before going over to the lunch assembly line, you took notice that a few students couldn't keep their eyes off of you.

You took a vanilla shake from the lunch tray and smiled at the lunch lady as she passed you one of your favorite's, a hot chocolate the top covered but, steam showing "Thanks V" you said with a grateful smile as she winked before one of her many arm's took hold of a potato and she began peeling it rapidly.

Afterwards, you turned back to the line nearly bumping into one of your peers "Sorry Stronghold" you said with a apologetic smile to the staring teenager before moving to the side to pay for your lunch.

"Um uh. It's uh no problem (y/n) I was just uh..." Will stronghold began blabbering trying to find the right words before he picked up a pudding cup "getting some pudding" he said with an awkward smile as you looked at him strangely as you paid for your meal.

"Ok" you said with a chuckle before turning from the line and heading to a table both cups in hand.

Will however hurriedly followed after you and came to your side his lunch in hand, you were guessing he had paid for his lunch a while ago. So why was he still on the line?

You didn't turn to him but, held a back a giggle as he spoke "Hold on I was uh wondering if you'd like to ya know...sit with me and my friends" he said with another nervous smile.

You turned to him slightly still walking as he slowed down a bit "I'm fine thanks for the offer Will. But, I'm gonna chill with a friend of mine" you said apologetically with the hot chocolate in hand cooling down.

Will looked at you confused as he stopped walking "Who?"

You giggled before finally coming to a table and sitting down next to someone, he was male obviously and had a leather jacket. The table was actually mostly empty besides you and the male beside you.

As Will caught sight of a few locks of red in the front of the man's hair he nearly dropped his lunch "Seriously?" He muttered to himself as he caught sight of Warren Peace, sky high's most notorious bad boy who's father was also in prison thanks to the Strongholds.

Aka Will's superhero family.

Warren glared in Will's direction making him look away instantly before he began walking awkwardly to his table with an embarrassed blush on his cheeks.

You giggled at Warren who looked down at you beside him "Oh come on Warren he's not so bad" you said as you gave him the vanilla shake.

He gave you a slight smile before taking it and taking a sip and shaking his head "He's a preppy little school boy. So in other words I have reason not to like him" he stated before taking another sip.

You chuckled at him as you plopped the straw in your hot chocolate "Ya know I can't take you seriously when your drinking a milkshake" you giggled at him and he looked down with a snicker.

"Says the girl drinking a hot chocolate in the middle of summer" he countered and you stuck your tongue out at him "It's the hot to my cold. Just like that shakes the cold to your hot" you said pointing at him and the shake before smiling as you took a gulp of your drink.

"So you think I'm hot" he stated with a barely suppressed snicker as you chocked on your drink before pointing at him "Don't twist my words".

You both chuckled before Warren shook his now empty shake and you looked down at your hot chocolate that wasn't even half way done.

"How?" You looked at him in shock before he shrugged and you shook your head.

"It must be dehydration" you said with a shrug before he rolled his eye's and took your drink from your hands making you start.

"Hey!" You shouted as he took a sip with a laugh before you took it back.

"It's not my fault you always buy one" Warren said as he tossed his empty carton with ease to a garbage bin three yards away.

"And it's your fault that you don't buy one at all" you exclaimed with a smirk before he growled playfully.

You laughed at him your head going back as Warren chuckled at you.

Will and his friends look at your bond with Warren as if in shock and so does most of the student body in the cafeteria "This is new" Layla, the flower girl stated with a startled look.

"You got that right. Who knew Warren knew someone so ho--ow!" Zach whispered looking at you before he was pinched by Magneta.

"Shut up! Do you have any idea what he'd do to you if he heard you saying that?!" She scolded him and Zach sighed before mumbling to himself.

Layla looked over at Will who glanced at you every five minutes with a blush on his face and she shook her head before putting a smile on her face "so Will how's your new powers coming along?" Layla asked and Will looked at her quickly "huh?"

She held back the urge to roll her eyes before asking again with a somewhat irritated look.

The bell then rang after fifteen more minutes of talking with Warren, you looked up as everyone began gathering their things with groans.

You rose along with Warren taking your one strapped bookbag and walking with Warren to the exit. "Chemistry next huh?" You asked him and he shrugged his bad boy persona once more in tact.

You looked down at your hot chocolate before slowly lifting it towards Warren's mouth, he looked at you weirdly before he took it and finished it for you making you laugh.

"I wanna see you outside before the buses leave, your always the first to take the universal elevator without me" you said and Warren couldn't help but chuckle.

"What can I say your slow" he said looking down at you finally making you snort "I'm faster then you" you stated crossing your arm's.

"You wish" he said before the warning bell rang and you both noticed to both were one of the last ones in the hallway. Everyone else scrambling to get to class.

"Well I'll see you in..." you looked at the clock "Three hours from now" you said before you began walking towards your classroom.

Warren's mood instantly began to deflate as he watched you go before he nodded without a word as you looked at him one last time before walking into your class.

Warren then began to turn around before walking around the hallway, he didn't mind being late to class. He was a villain after all so it didn't matter much to him.

He stuffed his hands in his pocket looking back towards the door you had went through. The bell now ringing.

You had just sat down in your seat, your book in hand and a blue pen in hand before you glanced at the door noticing him before looking up once more.

You smiled at him looking down with a slight blush on your face before looking up at the professor who was explaining how Hero's save lives.

He was a villain.

You raised your hand looking down at your notes in class before speaking without looking up for a moment before you looked to the professor.

And you were a Hero.

Warren shook his head before walking off to the end of the hall and making a turn never noticing when you looked towards the doorway once more before looking down slightly saddened.

This was wrong. Why should a hero and a villain even become friends, let alone acquaintances?

Was it wrong that he wanted something more?

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