Chapter 7: Class time isn't the best time

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You jumped in your seat, your gaze going from your doodle filled textbook to your Superhero Mechanics Teacher Mr.Gadget who stared at you in confusion and slight irritation. His hand was gripping our newest completed project, it looked like a rather complicated hockey puck that was elevated at least twice. The edges were outlined by wires and blue electrical energy seemed to run through it, sparking every now and then.

It was supposed to be an anti-gravity disk, it wasn't fully finished making the project unable to be used in the school premise. However, after an incident in the boys locker room caused by none other than the school imbeciles Lash and Speed, every superhero and Villan in school was having an entire 3 hour discussion on the topic as to why it was dangerous to use.

Especially in Sky High.

It wasn't that you weren't paying attention or was merely tired from a day's work or even the boring lecture, it was what happened yesterday night that got you thinking that had you fidget and jump at every noise or movement. You remembered the darkness surrounding you, the ghostly presence of someone or something above, behind, or maybe even next to you.

You've been unable to stop thinking about it, this lecture only made your situation worse. Expecting today to be a stress-free day, where you'd be able to talk to Warren all free period especially due to the fact it was Friday. But, those two idiots just had to pull a stupid prank. Now you were in a room filled to the brim with teenagers like yourself that never seemed to not have a question to ask or a text to reply to or even a joke to laugh at. You placed both hands at the sides of your table in hopes you wouldn't freeze someone's mouth shut by accident.

"Are you listening to me, Ms.(L/n)? For if you were, you'd be able to tell me the distinct functions of the negative and positive compounds running through both wires laced together in this device." Mr.Gadget stated, he let one of his hands grip his right wrist as if he were waiting, his left brow tilted up and his mouth in a straight line.

All thirty students in the classroom turned towards you expectingly, you froze for only a moment with your grip on your pencil loosening before you placed it with a soft clack on the table. Placing both your hands together, your shoulder's tense and your fingers aching to thump the desk firmly like before.

You were silent for what seemed like hours, you couldn't speak, you couldn't find the words, you needed to talk to someone, you needed to get away from all of the prying eye's of your peers, especially Stronghold whom held your gaze far longer than you would've liked.

You knew this answer, you've gone over it a thousand times just like every student in this room, so it was no surprise when Mr.Gadget turned back to the board, the white chalk in his mechanical hand, as if he hadn't asked a question at all.

You let out a breath before taking a few more in shakily, realizing you had been holding your breath the entire time. Running a hand through your hand, you knew you couldn't take it any more. You didn't need this lecture, you didn't need this mental torture and you didn't need someone else to tell you at the end of class to get yourself together when all you feel is your mind breaking apart like a jigsaw puzzle.

You pick up your notebook, shoving it into your bag as you pick it up from the floor beside you.

A hand was placed on your forearm just as you placed your pencil into your open bag, you turned towards your table partner, the Raven haired girl named Vida looked at you weirdly "What do you think your doing? The class period isn't over for another half hour." She whispers rather loudly, thankfully the teacher is talking to loud for anyone else to hear her.

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