Chapter 3: part 1

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Haven't proof read yet :/ Will do soon :)

Chapter 3: Part 1

Stepping out of the shower; I walked into my room my body wrapped in my pink towel. I sat on the bed and sighed, today I was seeking answers, and I was determined to get them. My bed vibrated and I looked over my shoulder and saw my phone flashing, reaching over I grabbed it. There was a message from Cassie; it was very peculiar she never texts unless something exciting is happening, she normally calls: I unlocked my phone and read the text, 

Heyy, guess who got two invites to James’ paarttayy!!

 I know I’m so awesome, you better make sure you’ll come it will be massive he’s inviting nearly all of the year!! 

Xx :D

 I rolled my eyes that was the Cassie I knew, always going partying, whereas I was more of a stay at home, read, listen to my music, go exploring type girl. A part of me wanted to say yes, to avoid whatever Nico and Noah wanted to tell me, but I needed my answers. After texting her sorry and that I was busy, I hauled my but off the bed and walked to my wardrobe. I definitely was going to wear casual clothes.

 Approving of what I had on, I ran my hand through my wavy hair, happy that my hair never needed much; just running my fingers through it when I got up from sleep would normally do the trick. I ran downstairs, and slipped into my trainers as I had decided to jog to their house: Milton Road was half a mile away. After having mums approval and helping mum to clean up Rosie’s mess, I closed the door and started to jog. 

It wasn’t very long till I had reached it, at first I was sure I was mistaken the house before me was disappointing, it was a normal terrace house and after seeing their vehicles I had expected more. Sure that I was at the right door, I climbed the steps and knocked waiting for a reply. I was surprised for the door to be opened by a boy around my age, I wonder who he is, I stared at him my eyes raking over every part of him, he didn’t look like Noah or Nico, so sibling was crossed of my list. I looked back up at his face, our eyes connecting. His eyes boring into me sent immediate shivers down my spine and I quickly broke eye contact.

 “Walk this way Sky you’re late.” He walked away leaving me at the door clueless, where was Noah or Nico? I followed him into the kitchen after closing the door behind me.  He opened the fridge, throwing me a can of diet coke and grabbing one himself he slammed the door, and ushered me to stay where I stood, before disappearing into a room. I took this moment to look around, it was quite peculiar it looked and felt bare; nothing to prove three teenagers lived there. However it was almost as if the outside of the house was a disguise, the inside looked very expensive and stylish decorated with so many gadgets, and one thing I also noticed was a photo. I slowly walked towards it and examined it, there were 5 people in it, Noah, Nico and the boy who had opened the door, an unfamiliar girl and a man who looked like their father. They looked happy they were at some sort of ski resort, laughing at something. I wondered who the beautiful young girl was. I whipped around when I heard someone clearing their throat, I smiled when I saw Noah and Nico, but the smile disappeared when I saw their stern faces. The boy jumped onto the couch between us. Noah disappeared back into the room which she appeared from, Nico stood ushering me into the room after her, before following behind.

 “Noah, make it quick, we don’t have all the time in the world” The boy said loudly from the couch, Noah rolled her eyes at that. She smiled when she saw how nervous I was, Nico sat on the bed and patted the spot next to him. I jumped onto the bed and nervously began swinging my legs.

 “Anyone care to explain what’s going on around here?” I said, Nico sighed from beside me, he turned me towards him, and looked over at Noah from over my shoulder and began to speak.

 “We are not who you really think we are,” I already figured that one out, but I let him carry on “ We moved over here looking for you, but there are many other people looking for you too, and they’re not very… nice.” 

“W-w-what wait,” I said interrupting him, what was he trying to say? “So you’re telling me, that there are people after me, so who exactly are these people and why are they looking for me?” I couldn’t believe what my ears where hearing, this was one funny joke. I crossed my arms, waiting for him to explain.

 “The people after you are the same people who took your father.” He said deeply hurt by the mention of my dad, but it didn’t make any sense why was father in this, he had died before I was born.

 “That isn’t possible my father died when I was a baby, is this some sick joke?” I shouted disgusted, I stood up and exited the bedroom. Nico ran after me and grabbed my arm, spinning me around to face him.

 “I would never lie to you Sky” Nico said sadly, I knew he wasn’t lying, and that made me more scared. 

“Shit!” I heard someone curse the boy jumping form the sofa looking at a small gadget that was flashing red. He ran into a room, rushing back out with an empty bag he pulled a massive case out from under the table and clicked it open. “Guys get your stuff, and get the girl, its code red.” He said, before revealing the contents of the case, what I saw restricted my breath as if someone held a pillow to my face. Rows of gun and grenades fell into my view as he took them out of their place and threw them into the bag.

 “Darn it, I was starting to like this area why now?” Nico moaned, Noah slapped Nico in the head in response to his childish comment.

 “Ow, that was uncalled for Noah, tell her Jay” he protested rubbing his head, before going back to packing a bag. So his name was Jay, so much questions whirled in my head, and I felt so out of place, I knew now that Nico was serious before. The pit feeling in my stomach grew worse, and I felt nauseous. Noah touched my shoulder, pulling me out of the deep well of thoughts.

 “Noah, what’s going on right now? What does Jay mean by code red?” I asked, my voice coming out in whimpers. 

“Right now there’s no time to explain, we’re not safe here, we need to get out.” Noah said affirming. I nodded and followed her closely.

 One thing that made my breath stop again was the smashing of a window, and shouting coming from in the house as we exited from the back, we continued to run down the stairs that led to an alley where Noah’s car stood.  “Go, hurry pass the keys.” Jay shouted catching the keys before opening the doors. Noah jumped into the front seat alongside Jay who took the wheel. Nico pushed me into the back and closed the door. Nico took the bag of weapons from in between us onto his lap, as Jay revved the engine speeding out of the alley just as men poured out of the house pointing their guns at us and firing but luckily missing. I ducked and turned back to facing the front, as I watched the scene uncoil in front of my eyes.

 A/N: I know, this chapter is bad, hopefully part two will turn out better, yep the chapter was broken into two parts, that is the reason for this being so short. The fact that it took me ages to upload, is even worse :L

 Please comment and even vote, and if you haven’t already please vote on my other chapters :)

Next upload coming soon, watch out for it, there is more action coming up and from different POVs.

Lol this is a long A/N but I had to get it off my chest.

Dedicated to LaurenPearson0, because she's amazing. Check out her stories, they're great!!

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