Chapter 1

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Chapter One

The Setting sun cast red and orange streaks across the horizon. Blue flowers waved in the breeze which was carrying the now orange and pink clouds across the sky. I had no idea how I had gotten here, my only memory being my name and the fact that I was human. I turned around trying to gain some bearings. In my hand was a piece of royal blue cloth, in it was a pendant. My apparently green hair hung over my face when the wind calmed down. In a losing battle I tried to blow it out of my face. Looking at the cloth, I came up with an idea. I put the pendant around my neck and used the cloth to keep my hair up. As soon as I was done I saw figure running towards me. By the looks of it, it was a Shinx.

It soon stopped at where I was standing.

"Hello, did you happen to see a Torchic come by here?" The thought that it could talk, scared me half to death, and the fact that it was only up my shoulder scared me even more.

"Are you alright?" It asked. All I could do was turn and run. The Blue flowers around me suddenly seemed to become evil, like they were going to come out of the ground and laugh at me. I mounted a hill and tripped. I tumbled down the hill, the flowers latching on to me, as I fell. I hit a mass on the way down. Together the mass and I gained speed as we fell even farther. Finally, we slowed to a stop. My head spun and a headache appeared. Groaning I sat up, Double images distorted my vision, A small orange mass lay on the ground in front of me. As soon as it cleared I saw what it was, A Torchic. It slowly got up, dizzy and disoriented, just like me.

"Sorry about that I should have been careful, "I apologized.

"No it's fine, I should have watched what was going on."

"Can you make it back up the hill?"

"Yeah, "the Torchic replied.

The Torchic started up the hill, I went in the opposite direction. The Sun was now below the Horizon, and it was getting cold. I shivered and rubbed my arms to keep warm. The flowers had closed up, so the field looked as if hundreds of raindrops hovered above the ground. I continued on, I didn't want to meet anymore talking Pokémon, nor accidentally bump into one.

Tired I sat down in the flowers, the stars had come out and constellations had started to form. A voice echoed in the distance. It was barely audible. Dismissing it, I looked up at the stars again. The Voice called out again. This time I heard it what it was saying. The glow of a fire appeared in the horizon, a familiar Torchic and Shinx followed by two other Pokémon followed. Scared I flattened myself down as much as I could. It didn't help. The Torchic and Shinx came up to me.

"Ralts, I'm glad we found you. As soon as we got home, a wanted poster for a criminal last seen in this area was up, we feared you were in danger so we came looking for you."

"Wait, did you say Ralts?" I barely heard the part about the criminal.

"That's what you are, right?"

"Well, no, I'm supposed to be human."

The Pokémon behind them burst out laughing with the Torchic and Shinx.

"But that's absurd! How would a human turn into a Pokémon?"

I was a little irritated, "It's true! I am a human!"

They stopped laughing, "Okay, so if you're human, how did you get here?"

"I-I don't remember, "I replied.

A roar echoed in the distance, a huge burst of fire hurtled towards us. Scared, I followed the Torchic and Shinx, hoping they knew where they were going.

"Come on! This way!" Torchic called out.

A large building, camouflaged, rose up out of the horizon as I ran. Torches lit a pathway, which led to its main door. The Torchic, shinx and other two Pokémon stopped in front of it.

"I think it's safe now, "Stated, one of the Pokémon, I identified as a Chikorita, "Is everyone okay?"

Everyone replied with the preferred answer.

"So, Ralts, do you have someplace to stay tonight?" Asked the Chikorita.

"My name is Mina, and no."

The other Pokémon, a Cyndaquil, looked excited, "You can stay with us then!" the others shushed him and he looked down in shame.

"You're welcome to stay with us, but you'll have to stay hidden from the guildmaster, He doesn't take kindly to non-guild members."

"I guess I can stay for a little while," I replied.

"Okay, but you'll have to stay hidden. At least until we can tell the Guildmaster."

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