Chapter 1

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Author's Note:
Hey guys! Aidan here. I originally wrote this story on Episode, but I decided to start writing it here too! This version of the story is going to be a lot cleaner and less messy than episode version. However, I will go back and rewrite the episode version soon, so stay tuned for that!

**Cover art made by @angy.uptoedit on Instagram**

Now, onto Chapter 1!


Chapter 1 -

It was early morning. Birds were starting to sing, the sun was just beginning to peak its head out to say hello to the world. As her alarm clock rang, Rachel Johnson slowly stood up out of bed to turn it off, still half asleep. God, why do I have to go to school? she thought to herself. 

She groggily changed into a crop top, a skirt, and a pair of sparkly heels. As she walked over to her mirror, she brushed the luscious, brown locks that hung over her back like a waterfall, flowing and smooth.

She smiled, as she looked into the mirror, and admired her reflection. She was gorgeous and she knew it. Rachel's eyes were her most desirable feature, others would say. She had green eyes, that shined like emeralds, and always gave off radiance. Rachel applied foundation that matched her fair, smooth skin, and the rest of her makeup. 

She walked downstairs for breakfast, just like always. Walking down the elegant staircase into her extravagant dining room, Rachel couldn't help but smell her favorite, French toast.

She smiled, and ran the rest of the way down the stairs.
"Good morning, dad," Rachel said, as she took her place at the gigantic dining room table.

"Good morning, sweetie," Mr. Johnson replied, back turned, still diligently working on breakfast. 

Rachel knew it was pointless to interrupt him while he was cooking, so she turned to her mother instead. 

Rachel's mother was glued to her phone screen, probably working, as always. Rachel rolled her eyes, not even out of annoyance anymore, just habit. She was used to her mother never paying too much mind to her. 

Rachel's mother was a skinny woman, in her mid-fourties. She looked a lot older than she was, work had taken a toll on her. She had short, tamed brown hair, that framed her soft face perfectly. She had dark purple bags under her eyes, like she hadn't slept for weeks, and she had her signature business smile plastered on her face. A winning smile, she had always called it.

It had always seemed funny to Rachel that she had to fake a smile, when smiling was practically second nature to her.

"Hey, mom. How's business?" Rachel asked, interrupting her mother's phone call. Mrs. Johnson sighed. She gritted her teeth, and said into the phone, still managing to smile,

"I'm gonna have to call you back, Sharyl." She hung up the phone, took a deep breath, and turned to Rachel, slowly forcing herself out of business mode.

"Good morning, Rachel." 

The two talked about unimportant things. Politics, school, life, the usual. It distracted them from everything, and always helped to relieve stress, from both of them. 

"Bye, mom, bye dad," Rachel called, already walking out the door with her textbooks in her hands.

"Bye, sweetie. Have fun!" Mr. Johnson yelled after her.

As Rachel arrived at the private school she went to everyday, her best friend, Nicki, caught sight of her, and began to walk with her.

"Hey, bestie. How are ya?" Nicki asked enthusiastically. 

Nicki was a tall girl, with tan skin, dark black hair, and green eyes. She usually wore her hair up in a high ponytail. Rachel and Nicki had been best friends for as long as they could remember. They had always been there for each other. They were the model friends for everyone in the school.

"I'm good, how about you?" Rachel replied politely.

"I'm okay, I guess. I had so much homework last night. You'd think Mrs. Albertson would give less homework, considering it's only the second day of junior year." Nicki responded, clearly annoyed with school already.

"I feel you, girl. I was doing homework for hours last night." Rachel responded.

The girls walked through the hallways to class, laughing and talking the whole way. 

"Hey, loser." Rachel heard a voice from behind.  A voice she recognized. She turned, angry just to hear her voice. Rachel was usually incredibly kind, but Ashley Hale brought out the worst in her.

Ashley Hale was a short girl, with blond hair, and blue eyes, that could be both intimidating, and reassuring at the same time. Her lips were plump and round, with a red lipstick that brought out her features. She was just about as beautiful as Rachel, on the outside. On the inside, Ashley was an ugly person, to Rachel and Nicki, at least.

Rachel and Nicki turned around, both of them knew where this was going.

"Why are you so rude all the time?" Rachel asked, not really expecting an answer. Even if Ashley had always been incredibly rude to her, she didn't want to stoop to her level.

"Why do you think?" Ashley said with a fake smile. She was smiling, but hatred radiated out of her, and if looks could kill, Rachel would've been done a LONG time ago.

"Are you seriously still hung up because I dated Brett? That was months ago, Ashley," Rachel replied, completely fed up with Ashley. 

Ashley had a creepy obsession with Brett, a guy who had come to Hillview Prep, their school. Brett had rejected Ashley since the beginning, but she couldn't take a hint. Rachel and Brett instantly had a connection, and they dated for months before Rachel broke it off a few weeks before summer ended. Rachel hadn't seen Brett since.

"Yes. I still hate you for stealing him from me." Ashley snapped back coldly.

"Again, he isn't a piece of property, you can't steal him, because you never owned him in the first place." Nicki stated coolly, "Now bye, Ashley. Good luck with your life." Nicki wasn't as afraid to speak her mind as Rachel was. 

Ashley huffed in denial and stormed off. As soon as she was out of earshot, the girls chuckled a little.

"Jesus, what is her problem?" Nicki laughed.

"I can't believe she's still hung up on Brett," Rachel rolled her eyes, "Whatever. Let's just go to class."

Class was boring, as usual. Lecture after lecture. Worksheet after worksheet. Rachel was already counting down the days until school was over. Just as the last bell rang, and Rachel and Nicki started to walk out of school, Rachel saw a familiar face. 

He had unkempt brown hair that swept over the top his face in an extremely attractive way. He had brown eyes, that made him look mysterious, and unapproachable. He had a very muscular build, and you could see the outlines of his abs through the tight tank top he was wearing. He had jeans and a pair of sneakers on too. 

Rachel could recognize him anywhere. BRETT. Rachel's ex, Brett.

What the hell is he doing here? Rachel thought to herself. A million thoughts rushed through her head at that second, and she was completely overwhelmed. 

She didn't have much time to think about what to do next, because he started to walk over.



☞ Follow me on Instagram for updates & sneak peeks: @episode.aidan ☜ 

☆ End of Chapter 1 ☆

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2017 ⏰

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