Combat: Sexy Style Part 1 (Fluffy... kind of)

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For those of you that are desperate for the smut, it is in part 2, but you won't understand what's happening unless you read part 1.

Warning: Clothes come off in this imagine, but there is no sex, and no touching or anything.

The guild all sat in the hall with frowns. Everyone was bored. Even I was bored, and I was incredibly easily entertained.

Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Grey, Wendy, Juvia, Levy, and I all sat at a table. We each fiddled with something to provide some form of entertainment. There were no jobs on the board, so we felt relatively useless. I picked at the bracelet on my wrist and sighed.

It seemed like the day would go on like this forever, but finally, Cana stood up. "Alright, Fairytail, let's all admit it. We're bored! Ha!" She laughed, clearly very drunk. I didn't know Cana could even get drunk. "So let's play a game. Everyone scoot the tables and chairs against the wall."

We had no idea what Cana had in mind, but anything is better than pulling up splinters from the tables. So we all did as we were told without question.

"I wonder what we're going to play?" Wendy asked.

Cana looked over at Wendy, who was talking to Romeo. She hiccuped and said, "Oh no, no, no, no. Wendy and Romeo can't play. They (hic) have to go away."

"W- why?" Wendy asked, her lip trembling.

"Too young!" Cana answered and swayed a bit. "Oh, and Master has to go away, too."

"WHAT?!" Master yelled. The whole guild, aside from Wendy, Romeo, and Master, were beginning to get the idea.

"You're too old and perverted to play," Cana answered shortly.

She ended up dragging Romeo, Wendy, and Master out of the guild hall before standing on the bar and addressing the rest of us again. "Alright, this game's called Combat: Sexy Style."

I was right. I just knew Cana was going to suggest a sexual game.

"What is it, exactly?" Asked Lucy.

"Well," Cana drunkenly laughed, "we all take turns fighting each other, and if you lose, you have to take off one piece of clothing! The match between two people has a lot of rounds until one of them is completely naked."

I knew it was going to be something like that. I spoke up, "So what's the objective of the game?"

"To get laid!"

We all laughed. Drunk Cana sure was fun.

"Alright, everyone write down your name on a piece of paper and put it in this bowl." She pulled a blue bowl out of a cupboard and held it out. She tossed her name in first, and we all threw in a piece of paper. We all stood against the wall, waiting for the first pairing. Cana ominously drew one name and then another. She laughed really hard, making us all murmur in concern. Oh god, please say it isn't me!

She announced the first name, "Juvia!"

Juvia walked to the middle of the room to get ready for a fight. "Juvia is ready to fight whoever is her opponent. She will save herself for Grey-sama!"

Cana snickered, "And Grey Fullbuster!"

Juvia's face was priceless. Grey walked into the center, preparing his magic.

"Ready? FIGHT!"

Grey stripped and launched himself at Juvia, but before he could land a hit, Cana screamed, "STOP! Juvia wins the match!"

"What?" Grey yelled, "How?"

Cana shook her head. "You are naked, Grey. You were the first one naked, so you lose."

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