Chapter Six

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Chapter 6
The Night Rock

How dare she? How could she say that about Sparrowflight! She was our mother for StarClan's sake! And she thinks she didn't care about us?!

The rage built on in the pit of her stomach, piling over one another like mountains.

I'll show her. Then she'll see how much she cares about us.

Bearkit turned back, spotting Sparrowflight chatting with Treeleaf in low voices. She padded over quietly, not wanting to disturb them.

When she was a few mouse-lengths away, she let out a meow to announce her arrival.

The two grown she-cats looked at her, one in curiosity, and the other irritation.

"Hi Sparrowflight! Hey Treeleaf!" Bearkit mewed, looking up at them with a hopeful smile.

Treeleaf dipped her head. "Hello Bearkit. What brings you here?"

Before she replied, Bearkit looked at her mother, seeing her looking somewhere else past Treeleaf. She figured she wouldn't say hello back, not taking any offense in it.

"I just wanted to see your opinions on who you think would be a good mentor for me." She made up. She realized it was honestly a good question, and she focused more on them for their answer.

"Hm, good question. Perhaps Bumblepelt? He's a fine, strong warrior."

Bearkit's eyes widened just a bit, then shook her head. "I'd rather not...he's a bit frightening."

Sparrowflight let out a huff, turning to her kit with a disapproving look. "Warriors are supposed to be frightening. Would you rather be a medicine cat?"

Bearkit suddenly felt stupid, at the same time insecure about her comment.

She had knew that, but the way she had said it so bluntly made her feel bad.

Treeleaf shot her a small glare, insulted and disappointed.

"Of course not! I want to be a warrior! And I'll be the fiercest in the clan! Someday I'll be leader too!" Bearkit protested, searching desperately for a look of pride, amuse, something!

Sparrowflight scoffed, giving her paw a quick lick. "I'll believe you when you're on top of the night rock."

"Sparrowflight!" Treeleaf hissed, gaining her attention swiftly.

Sparrowflight rolled her eyes, sighing. She completely turned her attention to her, ignoring Bearkit.

Bearkit felt hurt. Her own mother had just put her down, doubting her future of becoming leader. She felt lost somehow, as if her goals had been crushed, and she had nothing else to hope for.

A spark of defiance came back up, putting back her dream of being leader.

She had everything planned out ahead of her. Become leader, make Dawnkit her deputy, be rid of EarthClan, and lead her clan as best as she could.

She wasn't going to let a few words stop her. She'd prove to Sparrowflight she could do it.

Right now.

Bearkit bolted away, padding to the center of camp, looking up at the night rock with wonder and excitement. She imagined herself, older, wiser, and stronger, climbing to the top to announce a ceremony of some sort, having her voice echo throughout the clan as Speckledstar's did.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2017 ⏰

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