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The smell was the first thing that hit her as she floated on the brink of consciousness. The scent of putrid sick and urine invading her senses. The overwhelming urge to recoil brought her further in control of her limbs. Her hearing flitted in and out allowing the repetitive beat of dripping water and the constant scratching of what sounded like a rodent to infiltrate her mind.

Almost fully conscious, she became aware of a wet substance sliding down the side of her face. It was when trying to lift her hand to wipe off the sticky moisture that she first felt the ropes that tightly encircled her wrists, keeping them firmly behind her back. Realising she was bound and incapable of movement was when the girls eyes finally flew open.

Her green orbs quickly swept the room as best as she was able while being confined to the same position. Allowing her mind to process her surroundings for the first time. The dull metal bars lined up in front of her like soldiers. The old wooden chair she was securely tied to. The chains of various lengths and sizes adorning the walls. However, it was not these inanimate objects that caused the fear that spiked through her heart. It was the pale face that watched her through the bars. Its stormy blue eyes glinting with malice from behind a thick curtain of dark hair and a predatory grin that had her heart trying to jump from her chest in a bid to get away.

She tried desperately to remember how she had gotten here, where she was and who had taken her, but despite her thorough search through the recess of her brain she came up empty. That in itself made her panic grow, the whites of her eyes becoming more prominent, her full lips thinning into a line of concentration as she threw herself from side to side trying to dislodge...something. Anything that could help her, or maybe just so she could feel just a slight moment of triumph in what she now knew would be a life of defeats.

However her movement came to an abrupt stop when she saw the man who had always remained in the outskirts of her vision move. Slowly, as though hoping he wouldn't notice her if she was careful enough, she turned her head. A startled scream caught in her throat when she realised in the short seconds she had been distracted the man who had been observing her had moved from behind the bars until he was right in front of her. She could see him more clearly now as his towering six and a half foot frame loomed over her.

Stale breath assaulted her nostrils as he leaned closer to her face, allowing a clear view of his thin face. She took in every detail, looking for a vulnerability, a spark of humanity, anything she could appeal to for her freedom. He showed no emotion, he stood still and stared at her with dull, lifeless eyes. He opened his mouth to speak for the first time and the girl automatically cringed back into the chair holding her immobile. Trying to put some distance between her and who she believed would soon destroy her sense of being, of purpose and break her, weather mentally of physically she did not yet know. The movement sparked a flash of emotion from the man, anger flitting through his eyes, though it was gone quicker than it appeared before he turned away.

"This is where you stay now, until such a time as you bore me and I...dispose of you" his voice was soft, smooth and not at all what she had expected, though his voice turned harsh and filled with disgust as he spoke of disposing her. She knew then that there would be no escape, she was here until she died and her only hope now was that death came for her sooner rather than later.

This is all I am going to write as it is a short story, I hope whoever reads it likes it but I know its not the best :) xx

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