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  *A/N: What do you think is going to happen? Will Isabelle die? Will Paul die? READ ON!!
  Lol. 😁


  Isabelle opened the door to her bedroom, where Paul was sitting on the floor, thumbs twiddling.

  "Paul..." She said quietly. Paul looked up. She could his face stained with dried tears. Isabelle's heart pained at the sight.

  "The has gone viral..." Paul said in a ragged voice. "What video?" Isabelle's heart started to race. There were so many emotions flooding her that she felt like she was going to burst out crying.

  "The CCTV footage got leaked...they can see..." Paul raised his head, and Isabelle sank to her knees. It was the first time she saw him cry.

  "They can we killed Mrs Perry..."

  "She's not dead yet, Paul! She's just..."

  "The report came out in the news. I heard everything. Your mother was lying. Mrs Perry was dead by the time the paramedics came." Paul let everything out in one breath, hands clenching his hair.

Isabelle's tears fell down her cheeks. Oh my god. She still has that flicker of hope that she wasn't a murderer.

Now that flicker of hope has flickered away.

Paul saw Isabelle sobbing by the corner, curled up. He moved towards her and held her hand.

"Isabelle..." He whispered. Isabelle would have blushed when his hand landed on hers, but she was too upset to even care.

"What are we going to do?" Isabelle sniffed. Paul looked up, through the window.

"I think it's best if we just stay here." Paul muttered. Isabelle nodded, wiping her tears away.

She still hadn't pulled away from Paul's hand, instead gripping Paul's hand tighter, his body heat warming her heart. At least she wasn't alone.

Paul and Isabelle went out of her room.

"Isabelle, I'm cooking cranberry pies."
Her mother said, the smell wafting around the house.

At least her mother knew what to do to cheer her up. As Isabelle and Paul sat down at the table, Isabelle could feel herself empty, as if Belle was missing.

She ignored that emptiness in her as the tray of pies arrived on the table.

She picked it up, but immediately dropping it. "Ow, damn it's hot!" She cried.

Paul picked up a pie. He didn't mind the heat, taking a huge bite out of it. He chewed, swallowed, then stared at the pie.

He stared at it.

And stared at it some more.

Then started choking.

"Paul!!" Isabelle shrieked, patting his back. But when Paul screamed, "It's burning my throat!" she knew he wasn't choking.

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