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Bring,Bring my alarm countinued to go off till i stopped it. Yoongi: Uhhh....i have to go to work today, so you might be alone. Me: i..It's fine i am going to see someone i haven't seen in years. Yoongi looked  at me as if it was suspisus. I was really going to see me and jungkook's oldest brother. We both got ready and yoongi dropped me off at the coffee shop where me and him would meet. I saw him run up to me. i jumped up and hugged him. Me: Oppa Kai!! Kai: Angelic, you grew up so pretty. Me: thank you. I looked at his jacket. Me: Let me fix you'r jacket:

someone took a picture of us and there intentions were to send it to Yoongi

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someone took a picture of us and there intentions were to send it to Yoongi.

Yoongi P.O.V. 

i got a text from a random person, but it was a picture of Angelic with another guy ( BigHit already annonced that we were together) 

Angelic's P.O.V

Once we were done i call Yoongi to come pick me up. Me: Yoongi can you come pick me up ? Yooongi: Sure, we need to talk. Me: you'r worring me, but we can talk. The whole ride to my house was silent then right when we got in my home he showed me a picture. Yoongi: i can't belive you would cheat on me i don't want to here excuses were over. He stormed out i was broken i sat on the tile floor crying. Then the front door opened it was Jungkook. Jungkook: Angelic what is wrong ?! i explained how he broke up with me then i ran away and locked myself in my room. 

BTS Suga FF/ AngelicWhere stories live. Discover now