Shayna looked out the window. When would that unfaithful husband of hers come back home? She needed money desperately for the baby and although he probably had no money, she had no choice to do so."Is it just me or does he seem to be coming home later and later everyday? Should I call him? Or should I just wait and hope that he comes home?" she thought while cradling the child in her arms. Her savings were running out as she had to support the family with her own money. And obviously her job at Mcdonald's was not enough to continue supporting the household forever.
Suddenly the front door opened. A young 26-year-old man walked in with a girl around Shayna's age. Shayna did not even give a glance to the woman who looked surprised that Ten already had a wife and a child. Shayna was used to it though. Every now and then he would bring a girl home and do things that she did not want to know in the bedroom. But all she wanted from him was that he did not harm the baby. That was the only precious thing left she could hold onto. The old Ten does not exist anymore, no, he never actually existed in the first place to start with.Shayna made sure that she was at least 2 metres away from him before asking him casually, "Give me money. For the baby. He's sick and I'm running out of savings." All he did was snarl, "I've no money for you." Then he looked lovingly at the girl he brought home and cooed, "All that's left goes to my young pretty lady here..." and kissed her on the forehead. Then, he left her standing there and walked to the bedroom.
"What was I thinking? He would never give me money. He wastes it all on women and alcohol." Shayna sighed as he slammed the door in her face. A tear rolled down her cheek, not because of him, but because she knew that her poor child would have to drink plain water and eat watery porridge until she gets her next paycheck. She placed the baby that was still in her arms into the baby crib that was falling apart. She did not even have money to build a proper crib, so she tore away her cupboards and fixed them together to make a crib. She felt so apologetic to her 9-month-old child for being able to give him a proper home and family. She was trying her best though. After watching her child fall asleep, Shayna felt her eyes start to get droopy and she fell asleep on the sofa.
Ten was very glad that the girls were helping him, but he still did not know that Shayna didn't really care about him anymore and had given up on the relationship already. He still thought that she was still holding on to it closely. He was hoping that she would hate him and leave him, but it did not seem to be working. Instead she would sleep later and the girls who helped him would have to leave later and later everyday. He didn't know that she was waiting for him to come home. It was a never ending cycle. When he thought that Shayna was finally asleep, he opened the door softly and walked out with the girl as softly as he could. He looked at the sleeping figure of Shayna on the sofa and ushered the girl out. Before she left, she tapped Ten on his shoulder and whispered in a serious tone, "You should really tell her the reason you are doing this. Stop trying to break her heart and waste time. If you are worried that the she finds out you became jobless, then just face it and tell her like a real man would. Have faith in yourself Ten." And with that, she left him standing there, pondering over her words.
He closed the door and sat on the couch. He sighed and looked at Shayna's beautiful face. "Why am I even trying to hurt her? She doesn't deserve to be treated liked this. She's an angel in disguise." He suddenly felt so angry at himself. What was he doing to her? He then decided to "man up" and tell her tomorrow morning that he was currently jobless. After that he fell asleep on the sofa, with an arm around her and they slept together, as a family, finally, in a long long time.
Shayna woke up to a wonderful smell from the kitchen. She looked towards the direction of the kitchen and saw the strong back of a man. "Who are you! Why are you in my house!" She screamed. However, when the male turned around, it was Ten. Her mouth fell open. "Close your mouth dear, I'm Ten and I'm cooking breakfast,"Ten replied, smiling at her. Shayna could not believe what was happening and asked, "Who are you and what have you done with my husband!" She shook her head, unwilling to accept what she was seeing before her eyes. " Come on Shayna stop gaping and eat your breakfast. I've made the milk for the baby already, don't worry." Ten replied.
Shayna still could not believe the fact that Ten was cooking for her and ate the food he prepared slowly, eyeing him as she thought that he poisoned her food or something. "How is it Shayna? I haven't cooked my all-famous breakfast in a very long time...Oh come on, do you really think that I poisoned it or something?" Ten had caught her staring at him with careful eyes. He then decided to take some of her food and eat it to show her that it really was not poisoned. After he did that, Shayna put her guard down and ate her food. She stared at Ten while eating, wondering what had happened to him. He was a changed man ever since yesterday. "Why are you doing this all of a sudden? Aren't you already sick of me?" she asked. It broke Ten's heart at the fact that she already thought that he was sick of her when he really felt otherwise.
"Look, Shayna, actually, I'm..." Ten mumbled. "You're what?" Shayna asked. " I'm... jobless. I was so worried that you would leave me because I can no longer support you and the family. I was worried that you would think that I am just making use of you for your money... I'm so sorry. I thought that you would get angry at me and disrupt the kid's well-being and I didn't want that to happen, so I asked some of my friends to act as prostitutes and try to make you jealous and divorce me. I'm just so sorry dear..." Ten started to sob silently after the confession. He was very sad that he had attempted to do such a cruel thing to her and it really broke his heart when he had to do it to her.
Before he could say or think of anything else, he felt a two frail arms wrap around him. "It's okay Ten. I actually thought that you were sick of me already, but I'm really glad you told me the truth. I don't feel the way that you think, remember what we vowed when we got married? I will stick with you through thick and thin and I will love you even if you are sick, or are having problems with anything. I love you Ten..." Ten turned around and kissed Shayna on the forehead. " Thank you, I really needed that."

NCT one-shots
FanfictionThese are just some random NCT short stories :) I'll try and update as much as I can here, but my main focus is on my other story (Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful)! Go check it out!