The Seniors Baby(Evan Centered)

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A/N: requested smut

Lui, Nogla, Mini,Tyler, Jon, Cartoonz, Moo, Brian, and Marcel are seniors.

Evan is a Junior and gets forced into a old classroom and makes out with each of the guys

Evan's pov:

I was walking to class in my red skirt and black sleeve crop top with red heels on.

Even with heels on, I'm still small. I hate being small but it helps sometimes.

I'm a Junior in Los Santos High School. Even though I'm a junior, I know to stay out of the Seniors way.

If they tell you to do something, you do it. If you don't, then you'll get your head in the toilet.

Anyway, I was about to enter my classroom when a pair of hands grabbed my wrists. Another pair covered my mouth and eyes.

The people dragged me somewhere that I didn't know. I was wiggling and whimpering.

"Shh baby, it's gonna be okay. You're gonna be safe with us. Trust me." The voice said. I know that voice anywhere.

It was Marcel. He's a Senior. Oh god. What does he want with me? I did nothing wrong.

"Oh he is gonna feel so good in a dew minutes." The voice chuckled. Wait, that was Mini. Another senior.

I heard a door open amd I got dragged into a room I'm guessing. I heard a door close and get locked.

I gulped at that sound. I think other people are here too. How do I know? Well I felt people staring at me. It was more than one pair of eyes.

I was sat on a desk and soon the pairs of hands went away. I opened my eyes and blinked a couple times due to the light.

When I looked ahead of me, I saw the most popular seniors standing in front of me. I gulped and whimpered.

"Aw hunny don't worry. We won't hurt you." Cartoonz cooed "We are gonna love you." I was confused at that. What does he mean?

Jon walked up to me, grabbed my cheeks and kissed me. He kissed me! I was shocked at first but slowly kissed him.

He pulled away from my lips and kissed down to my neck. I moaned when he found my sweet spot.

I felt him smirk. He sucked harder making me moan again. Mini came over and  my lips also. I moaned into the kiss due to Tyler and Cartoonz now kissing down my chest.

It seems like they ripped off my crop top. That was my favorite one. When Mini pulled away from the kiss, I pouted sadly.

"Don't worry baby, we'll buy you more. A lot more." Marcel said as he was kissing down my left thigh. Moo was kissing my right thigh.

Lui and Brian were kissing down my arms. Nogla was kissing the other side of my neck.

All these kisses and bite marks they were giving me was amazing. I moaned into the kiss since I was still kissing Mini. I cummed without warning.

They all pulled away from my body and stepped back to take a look at me. They all smirked evilly. "I hope you know you are ours and only ours. And don't hide the hickeys. You'll get punished. "

Tyler said in a warning like tone. Nogla gave my a sweater of his to wear. I really didn't care if it was big on me. That's good.

And from that day onward, I belonged to them and only them. I was the seniors baby.

A/N: sorry this took awhile.

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