the lost of a good friend.

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losing a friend that was so close feels like your having two razors just slicing your heart open slowly.

it feels like the world is about to end. to give up on you,

if it already hasn't. like you lost everything. there is nothing to live for anymore,

there is nothing, nothing to see, nothing to feel, nothing to hear. no-one there for you.

your in your own little world, only you, and your guilt. the only thought that is circling your brain is:

"what did i do wrong this time?" please come back i need you. best-friends are half of your heart,

when they go away, they take half of your heart with them.

what are you left with? a half, nobody can live on with a half.

the only way you can live on is if they cone back or find someone else to fill in that part of you

before you slowly go insane. but in the end, it all works out.

because it shows you what not to do next time.

or it shows you weren't right. and there is someone out there for you,

bestfriends are there for you through tears and joy,

losing your best friend, is like someone beating you down and killing you slowly.

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