A story Of Anne Frank

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Anne Frank was once a young teenager, that is until World War 2 started to arise. Anne was like many other at this time, she was a Jew and in World War 2 Jews were certainly a big part. Being a Jew meant having laws, being bossed and only allowed in certain places but Anne didn't let that stop her from fuflling her dreams in life. Anne's family was quite smart, she had but only one sister, Margot. Anne's journeys and tells are one of kind. Anne's family went into hiding, Anne found her true love, and her family were found and arrested.

At this time Jews were yet still sad because Hitler had made them work and obey him. The Jews didn't know what was ahead but it was so much worse what was to come. Anne had a normal life, with just turning a teen Anne had felt alive and powerful. Anne was a very bright and smart child yet she loved boys, she would have a different boy walk her home everyday. Anne's family was well aware of what was happening outside the world, like Hitler's doings. So Anne's father had a office, her father and family had been preparing to go into hiding for months, he would bring nessasery things to stock for when they actully went into hiding. Later things became worse and had no choice but to go into hidding. Anne's world was brought down, she couldn't go outside nomore, not talk to her friends and ride her bike. She hated the feeling of being invisable but it made her safe.

Anne had a love life that wouldn't slow down, yet that nonstopping heart beat for boys slowed down after going into hidding. There were no boys that she could contact without being seen, that is until the Vann Danns moved in. They had a son Peter. Although Peter was too old, Anne still had feelings for him.He brought his cat, Anne was very upset about this because she had to leave her cat behind. She also understood why he brought his cat, his cat kept away mice in the attic. After a few months into hiding with the Van Danns Anne became very fond of Peter. The two of them would spend time together in the attic, there Anne had her first kiss. Afterwords Anne's mind only thought about being wrapped in his arms again, feeling his sweet kiss. Anne also had to keep this a secret from her parents. All this time she had known that he was her knight and shining honor.

After a year the Frank and Van Danns were found in there hiding place, but which was mostly known to them 'The Secret Anxe'. Not taking one minute to think the german police, men that worked for Hitler had arrested all of them. After taveling for awhile on a train filled with other jews dead or alive, Anne had wondered where they were going and what was to happen. Soon they had arrived to the destanation unkwon. Anne had soon found out that they were being sent to a concentration camp, but she quite hadn't figured out if she would get to stay with her family. Yet fate had came to it's worst Anne had gotten seprated from her family. Margot and her Mother had soon died of illness and something unkown. So now all she had was her father, which she had no clue where he was or if he was still alive and breathing. Afterahile in a concentration camp Anne had soon beame starved and not well. Pretty soon Anne herself had died.

Although this is a sad lifetime, Anne had stiff found joy. Anne didn't get to fufill her dream of becomeing a wirter. Although she doesn't know her father had soon found her diary and had it published. So some people can say she has acheived her dream in so many ways. Anne had still gone into hidding, found her love, and got found. Now around the world her name is soaring and so many people love and get touched by her story. Although she didn't survive the war, she still lives throughout her diary of wise and brillant words of truth.

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