💋He text you but his drunk-E

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His contact name to you:MyEverything❤️
Your contact name for him:TheLoveOfMyLife☺️

TheLoveOfMyLife☺️:bssbyuu u srill yp????????

Y/n- Babe are you drunk again? Remember what you told me like 2 days ago?

TheLoveOfMyLife☺️:yiiipp i saod thst i wull nut dronk agsun...ples juat puck mr op..

Y/n- Hayyyssss ...fine fine..where are you?

TheLoveOfMyLife☺️: Im in Gaysuuns hoisr..Poockk meee oppp i muss u zoo myccchhhh..I luuuvvvv uuuuuu..youuuuurrr mtttt everuuuthooonggggghgg...cheese i waannttt youurrr lupsss righht boww..cumeee quickklllyyyyy plssasee

Y/n- Ethan you are so drunk Hahahahahaha! but i love you too E😘 ill be there in 15 min just wait..AND DONT DRINK ANYMORE ! UNDERSTOOD?

MyLoveOfMyLife☺️:Yes mommy!!

Y/n- Good boy! Love you!

MyLoveOfMyLife☺️:Hey im bot a duug! Luvvv uuuuuu tiiiii

Yep,Love ya all

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