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"Subject 9341 is approaching Subject 897", a voice boomed through the speaker of a dark room. Two figures could be seen, one was shaking in fear as the other figure approached. Both were female, one completely insane the other still had her sanity. The female with h/c hair brought out a kitchen knife, she started twitching while walking towards her prey. A loud piercing scream was heard from the room, the scream echoed through the building. A laugh followed after the screaming died down, no sanity was left in the cheerful action. "9341 step away from the corpse", the doctor directed from the speaker. Y/n chuckled darkly, she showed her face to the doctors. Her expression said everything, she begun her escape plan. The girl ran to the shadows, the darkness swallowing her body. Y/n appeared outside the building, she had called her home. The female let out her insane laughter, then ran as fast as she could to the nearest town. The girl was still soaking in blood from her recent victim, the unfortunate Subject 897 girl from before. Finally, Y/n thought while running, I escaped the foundation! She let out a chuckle, her legs continued to repeat the running action. Her lungs began to burn, but continued the action. Y/n was in a sea of sweat, she was slowing down every second she ran. The girl made it to the nearest town, her legs ached but she ran to the train station. While running, the female stole someone's train ticket. Luck was on her side, when she read the destination of the ticket. It was extremely far from the foundation, a perfect location to stay at. The girl smiled in glee, people around her gave judging glances. Y/n heard the train coming, she went to the very front to be the first one in. The wheels whirred as they came to a stop, the females getaway had arrived. She tried her best not to show excitement, just to not draw suspicion and unneeded attention. Y/n calmly walked in, taking a seat at the very back where she wouldn't be seen because of the shadows. Being near the darkness made the girl feel safe, since she knew she could easily make an escape. A boy sat next to her, making Y/n slightly uncomfortable. He had black cat ears, also a tail the same color. A..... meif'wa?, Y/n turned to the boy staring at him. The boy had orange hair, and bright orange eyes that seemed golden. Y/n hadn't interacted with a boy in years, so she felt strange around the boy. She saw him more as a unknown creature, an alien you might say. The air was still, as the female looked at him. Her mouth felt dry, like she was in a desert. The boy sensed the tension in the air, and the females eyes on him. He smiled at her, while she stared at him. "Hi! My name is Kai! Nice to meet you...", he paused waiting for the girl to say her name. Y/n hadn't talked to a boy in a long time, other than the scientists at the foundation. Her stomach clenched, and she felt like throwing up. The female responded in a hushed tone, "My name is.... Y/n" she felt the boys eyes on her. Slowly she felt emotions returning, the one thing she was sure would be buried forever. The girl was brought out of her mind, when the boy started speaking. "That's a pretty name!", he complemented the h/c female. Y/n felt slight heat rise to her face, she had never been complemented before. The girl stuttered put her words, "T-thank y-y-you." The female felt strange talking to a living organism, she had almost forgotten what living was.

Y/n stretched as she heard the train stop, her body became stiff after staying still for so long. The whole ride the girl had been chatting with Kai, she felt normal again. The male had asked about her bloody dress, luckily the female had an excuse. "It's ketchup", she said as the boy nodded satisfied with the answer. Her sanity had returned, it actually felt good! Y/n regretted ever becoming a murderer, it had been on her mind ever since her sanity returned. Y/n sighed as she waved at Kai, she hated saying goodbye to him. At least the female got his number, which she was ecstatic about. Kai promised to text her as soon as he got home, Y/n had told Kai that she had to get a house of her own. The male offered to let the girl stay at his house, but she disagreed at the offer.

Y/n had gotten a house, it was actually a mansion. The reason she had gotten a mansion was because, first she stole the wallet of a rich girl. Second, for some reason the seller took a liking to her. The girl felt like a traumatized child at that moment, it was extremely uncomfortable for her. The guy flirted with her, and attempted to make her his girlfriend. It was almost as bad as the S--- foundation, the one she had escaped from. Except, she got a mansion out of it. In the foundation, she got experimented on. Y/n would choose a mansion, over experiments any day.

The female jumped onto the bed, as soon as she saw the soft furniture. I missed sleeping on a bed, the girl thought about the bitter memories of her old home. Y/n shivered at the thought of having to go back, but she felt guilty at leaving the others behind. They were in the same boat as me, she thought guiltily. The female lunged at a small electronic device, it had beeped indicating a text message was sent. Y/n turned the device on, a notification informing her that Kai texted her. She pressed the notification, that sent her to the message app. The girl read her friends text, while grinning in joy.

Hey Y/n! I'm at my house! How are you?

Hi Kai, I'm doing great! How are you?

Good! Hey, Y/n can I ask you something?

Sure! What is it?

Are you going to Phoenix Drop High? I'm going there, and I wanted to know if you're gonna go there.

Yep! I'm gonna be freshman there!

Awesome! If you want I'll show you around!

Great! I'll see you on Monday!

I'm going to have to enroll at Phoenix Drop High! And Monday is tomorrow!, Y/n groaned in annoyance. Another weight being put on her shoulders, the girl got out of her bloody white dirty dress. She put on something more comfortable, lucky for her the mansion had come furnished. Y/n went outside of her new home, she began walking to Phoenix Drop High. The AI in her mind telling her where to go, after 5 minutes of walking she stood in front of the ginormous school. Y/n walked inside, and started heading towards the Principals Office. Once she was there, she knocked on the wooden door. A hushed "Come in" was all Y/n heard, she stepped inside filled with determination. "How may I help you?", the principal asked the girl in front of their desk. "I want to enroll here", Y/n said plainly. The principal sighed, and brought out a packet of papers.

Y/n huffed as she completed her final paper, she had been completing the packet for 2 hours including the tests she took. The female looked at the principal for permission to leave, she wanted to just go home. They nodded in approval, Y/n jumped in glee and left the building. The walk home was silent, the only noise was the wind whispering into her ear. The girl smiled, happy that she completed all her paperwork.

Y/n laid on the bed, staring at the white ceiling. Sleep started taking control of her, as her eyes started closing. She wrapped herself up with the silk blanket, a light snore escaped from her mouth. Y/n was in deep slumber, as her mind went to dreamland.


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